Senin, 31 Mei 2010

usaha rental mainan

Demi melihat senyuman dan gelak tawa sang buah hati, apapun akan dilakukan orangtua. Terlebih orangtua yang "berkecukupan", mainan dengan harga jutaan rupiah rela dikeluarkan dari dompetnya untuk memenuhi keinginan anak. Tapi kendalanya anak-anak cepat sekali bosan dengan mainannya. Alhasil, mainan yang dibeli dengan harga jutaan rupiah tersebut terbengkalai di sudut ruangan rumah. Tapi, sifat anak yang gampang bosa kerap membikin orantua puyeng. Acapkali si anak bosan pada mainan yang mereka miliki. Walhasil, para bokap-nyokap terpaksa membeli mainan baru dengan harga bantingan.Alternatif lain adalah menyewa mainan. Nah, cara alternatif ini mengibaskan angin segar bagi para pengusaha rental mainan.

Dunia anak memang dunia bermain. Di samping bermain, anak mengapresiasikan dan belajar mengenali dunia lewat apapun yang intens berinteraksi dengannya. Dari lingkungan dan warna hidup yang berjuta, anak melatih kreativitas di samping mengembangkan daya kreasi dan imajinasinya, tentunya lewat sarana bermain. Bisa dibilang, bermain bagi anak adalah hal yang fitrah adanya. Nah, kalau bisa menyewa dengan harga terjangkau, mengapa harus membeli dengan harga selangit. Yang penting, anak senang, orangtua bisa lebih hemat. Agar banyak yang melirik, pelaku bisnis ini mesti punya mainan bermerek terkenal, seperti Fisher Price, Mega Bloks, atau Leap Frog. Kalau perlu, para pengusaha itu menyediakan rental mainan yang tidak ada di dalam negeri.

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Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Toyota merilis Minivan Alpha Hibrida

Toyota, produsen mobil nomor satu di dunia terus bergerak maju dengan menambah rangkaian varian Prius hibrida plug-in tahun depan. Kali ini model tersebut bukan lagi liftback, melainkan minivan atau MPV kompak yang diberi nama Alpha.

Hebatnya lagi, proyek hibrida terbaru ini telah dijadikan prioritas dengan target peluncuran pada bulan Maret tahun depan. Minivan hibrida ini menurut informasi langsung menggunakan baterai lithium-ion. Namun, untuk menekan harga Toyota, Toyota menyertakan versi dengan baterai yang digunakan Prius sekarang, Nikel Metal Hidrida (NiMH).

Rencana Toyota tersebut diberitakan oleh beberapa media on-line otomotif internasional yang mengaku memperoleh sumber dari orang dalam Toyota. Dijelaskan pula, bobot baterai lithium-ion baru Toyota ini hanya sepertiga dari versi NiMH yang digunakan sekarang pada Prius.

Alpha atau Prius Alpha menggunakan sasis Prius terakhir dengan tambahan jok baris ketiga di belakang sehingga mengubah ujud kendaraan menjadi minivan. Toyota memilih nama Alpha untuk memudahkan sebutan langsung setelah Prius. Minivan ini diberitakan lebih panjang 300 mm dari Prius dan jarak sumbu roda mulur 20 mm.

Toyota juga berencana membuat versi lima penumpang. Namun, varian ini masih mengandalkan baterai NiMH. Diperkirakan, minivan 7 penumpang Prius hibrida ini dijual di Jepang dengan harga Toyota mulai dari 2,5 juta yen atau Rp 250 juta. Ia akan menjadi saingan berat bagi minivan yang banyak dipasarkan di Jepang saat ini.

Kendati rencana Toyota meluncurkan Prius Alpha tahun depan bocor, belum ada media yang memiliki foto, gambar, atau rendering mobil tersebut. Foto yang dimuat adalah konsep hibrida X yang pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Toyota saat Pameran Mobil Jenewa pada 2007. Waktu itu, sudah berhembus informasi bahwa hibrida ini akan menjadi varian tambahan buat Prius generasi berikutnya.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Waspadai beredarnya iklan baris yang menyesatkan

Kemarin saya hampir saja ketipu iklan yang mengatakan bisa menarik duit dari ATM tanpa mengurangi saldo kita. Setelah saya cek di berbagai website yang me-review iklan seperti itu, ternyata iklan itu tidak jujur,” kata Ichwan, seorang pemasang iklan baris atau gambar dalam curhatnya kepada penulis lewat Yahoo!Messenger.

Penulis tidak akan menilai apakah situs tersebut bohong atau tidak, tetapi jelas dengan cara menyembunyikan ”cara mendapatkan uang” sudah cukup alasan untuk mengatakan ada yang disembunyikan.

Iklan-iklan yang tak memiliki etika selalu menggunakan bahasa-bahasa bombastis, berlebih-lebihan, dan tak sesuai akal sehat. Persoalan di Indonesia adalah tidak semua pengunjung internet sadar bahwa iklan online juga bisa menyesatkan.

Masih banyak pengguna internet awam yang beranggapan internet bisa ”menciptakan keajaiban marketing” tanpa kerja keras. Internet dianggap seolah sebagai sesuatu yang nilainya hi-tech, canggih, melampaui akal sehat konvensional, dan bisa mempercepat kaya seperti cerita-cerita dunia dongeng tentang kesuksesan Google atau Yahoo!.

Celah psikologis ini dimanfaatkan oleh para pengiklan yang memindahkan bisnis konvensional (yang sebagian banyak berbau money game) ke bisnis online. Hanya mengubah cara merekrut orang dari presentasi tatap muka ke email, iklan baris online atau website, dan mengganti istilah ”downline” dengan istilah ”reseller” sudah banyak yang ”luluh lantak” hatinya dan merasa percaya bahwa ini benar-benar keajaiban internet.

Padahal, yang sering terjadi hanyalah pemanfaatan celah psikologi pengunjung awam yang tak paham soal teknologi internet. ”Cetak uang gratis dari ATM,” begitu salah satu bunyi iklan.

Di iklan baris lain mengatakan, ”Programmer kami telah bekerja menciptakan sistem ini.” Di iklan yang satunya lagi sudah beda kalimatnya, ”Hacker kami telah berhasil menciptakan bla... bla... bla....” Seolah memperkuat bahwa apa yang ditawarkan benar-benar bisa mempercepat kaya.

Beberapa situs lama memilih untuk menggunakan bahasa pemasaran yang lebih sopan dengan mengatakan internet merupakan sarana pemasaran yang andal. Mereka akan memberi contoh-contoh kesuksesan yang pernah diraih seseorang, tapi tak jelas bagaimana cara meraih sukses itu. Apakah menjual sebuah produk ataukah hanya menjual script (program membuat website untuk jualan produk serupa) atau e-book semata?

Karena itu, sebelum mempercayai sesuatu itu logis atau tidak dan benar atau bohong, mau tidak mau harus bertanya dulu kepada pelaku yang pernah mencoba. Sayangnya, review berbagai produk online seperti itu masih langka di Indonesia. Akibatnya, korban-korban money game semakin banyak dan mereka akan terus merekrut korban lainnya.

Jika misalnya menemukan iklan ”Produk Ajaib Cepat Kaya”, masukkan ke mesin pencari nama produk tersebut untuk mencari tahu respons pengunjung lainnya, contohnya: produk ajaib cepat kaya bohong. Jika pernah ada yang melaporkan produk tersebut bohong, di mesin pencari akan menampilkan pembicaraan soal pro dan kontra produk tersebut.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Tips sederhana pasang iklan di internet

Pasang iklan seperti sudah kebutuhan wajib bagi para pebisnis online bisa membayar jasa pemasang iklan atau dilakukan sendiri secara manual/otomatis.Bila membayar jasa pemasang iklan tentu anda tidak akan capek dalam menginput iklan karena akan dilakukan oleh jasa pasang iklan tersebut,tetapi ini berbayar dan biasanya mahal.Bila dilakukan sendiri akan terasa sangat capek apalagi dilakukan tanpa trik,akan membuat iklan anda tidak efektif.Berikut tips untuk memasang iklan.

1. Gunakan judul yang membuat orang penasaran (ini berlaku untuk mengiklankan web,produk)

2. Gunakan keyword di judul dan isi (ini berlaku untuk meningkatkan rangking anda di search engine)

3. Isi iklan gunakanlah kalimat persuasif(anda harus bisa mengajak pembaca iklan)

4. Isi iklan jangan terlalu panjang,juga juga jangan terlalu pendek usahakan dibuat dengan 2 atau lebih paragraph.

5. Kalau link iklan tidak bisa di klik langsung(saya menemui ada iklan baris seperti ini)anda harus menggunakan url tredirection misal dengan .tk ini untuk pengunjung tidak mengcopy alamat utamanya saja dan tidak menambahkan id=anda (berlaku bagi reseller dan web replika)

Sedangkan triknya sebagai berikut(berlaku unutk pasang iklan sendiri)

1. Gunakan sofware pasang iklan massal misal suryapromo.Namun dalam menggunakannya anda tidak usah submit semua keiklan baris ini akan memakan waktu dan melelahkan.Anda cukup submit ke iklan baris terkenal.Cara mencari yang terkenal itu lihat di list iklan barisnya dan kunjungi coba cek alexa rank dan jumlah online dan pemasang pada hari itu(alexa semakin rendah semakin baik,jumlah online dan pemasang sebaliknya)contoh yang dan

2. Apakah lebih baik input iklan ke ratusan iklan baris namun hanya sekali,atau input ke iklan baris ke beberapa saja namun beberapa jam sekali.Jawabannya lebih baik yang ke beberapa saja namun anda input beberap jam sekali kenapa?karena web iklan baris yg sangat ramai adalah halaman utamanya,setiap anda input iklan maka iklan anda akan ada dihalaman utama namun tidak lama ,makanya perlu input beberapa kali .

3. Anda juga bisa coba,,, untuk mengiklankan secara massal dan gratis.

4. Gunakanlah roboform untuk menginput isi dari iklan ini akan jauh menghemat waktu anda.

5. Yang terakhir jangan malas dalam input iklan(ini kunci kesuksesan)

Mungkin itu dulu tips& trik pasang iklan baris,jika ada yang mau menambahkan silahkan saja.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Cara tepat pasang iklan via Internet

Sedikit ingin berbagi pengalaman dalam melakukan promosi melalui pasang iklan baris yang terpasang di internet.

Bagi anda pelaku bisnis internet, atau apapun juga, kegiatan promosi adalah suatu hal yang wajib dilakukan kalo ingin meningkatkan penjualannya.

Promosi merupakan sarana paling efektif untuk menyebarkan informasi dan peluang yang kita miliki agar diketahui oleh masyarakat luas.

Di Internetpun demikian, melalui promosi, maka blog kita, bisnis kita, semuanya akan menjadi terasa mudah dan tentunya akan meningkatkan rating bagi penjualan kita.

Namun karena di internet ini sangat banyak sekali website yang menyediakan sarana untuk promosi berupa iklan baris,maka tentunya kita juga harus bisa memanfaatkan kesempatan ini agar lebih efektif dan efisien.

Tentunya sangat merepotkan kalo kita harus submit ke 850 website iklan baris secara satu persatu, butuh waktu dan pastinya sangat melelahkan.

Beruntung kita yang pasang iklan di internet ada software pendukung untuk pasang iklan secara massal dan langsung tersubmit ke sekitar 985 website iklan baris gratis hanya dengan sekali pasang saja.

Ini mang buktikan sendiri, karena sudah 2 bulan ini mang melakukan promosi MPP Syariah dan menggunakan software pasang iklan massal, hasilnya memang betul terpasang dan tersebar di hampir lebih dari 800 website iklan baris.

Cara kerjanya sangat mudah, tidak membutuhkan waktu lama, bahkan setting untuk pertama kali install di komputer juga tidak memakan waktu lama.

untuk software pasang iklan massal silahkan anda cari di google.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Cepat dan mudah promosi iklan di dunia maya

Pasang Iklan pada internet semakin mudah dan cepat

Hampir 1 miliar orang di dunia terhubung di internet. Pengguna saling berbagi ilmu pengetahuan, interaksi sosial, reputasi online, mencari materi sekolah, lowongan kerja, atau sekadar iseng menghabiskan waktu luang.

Integrasi ini semakin lama menjadi kekuatan kolektif yang belum pernah dikenal manusia sebelumnya, bahkan untuk sepuluh tahun yang lalu. Situasi ini nampaknya tidak berlebihan untuk disebut sebagai revolusi komunikasi dan informasi global. Gejala baru yang nampak menonjol adalah pemanfataan file-sharing, blog, situs yang dapat disunting beramai-ramai bernama Wiki dan layanan jejaring sosial seperti LinkedIn, MySpace serta Meetup Inc., yang membantu setiap orang-mulai dari penggemar kartun hingga pemburu ayat-ayat Al-kitab.

Teknologi semacam ini ternyata mampu mengangkat potensi unik internet dengan cara yang tidak dilakukan e-mail ataupun situs tradisional.Situasi yang dinamis tersebut tentu rugi jika disia-siakan oleh para jasa pasang iklan. Perusahaan yang cerdas akan selalu melihat celah-celah menyampaikan pesan kepada calon konsumen. Maka jangan heran ketika iklan televisi sering diabaikan pemirsa, maka dunia online menjadi salah satu alternatif.

Memasuki kawasan internet kemungkinan besar pasar bisnis berubah dalam waktu cepat dan menyebar ke seluruh penjuru dunia, termasuk negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia yang kini jumlah pengguna internetnya baru mencapai 16 jutaan. Dalam gelombang bisnis internet (e-business) ini, para pemain online menjual komoditas seperti buku, musik, atau perdagangan saham. Konsumen tak perlu lagi melihat, memegang barang yang bakal dibeli, sebab yang terpenting adalah tahu harga dan kualitas barang.

Yang terpenting dari transaksi adalah pelayanan baik, kesepakatan harga dan saling menjaga kepercayaan. Prospek pasang iklan di pasar online membuka kesempatan yang lain, baik bagi perusahaan kecil, besar maupun korporasi, termasuk membuka kesempatan para calon konsumen untuk berinteraksi. Iklan online menjadi semacam pasar domestik yang menglobal.

Kehadirannya bisa mengancam eksistensi pasar iklan media cetak, bahkan ke depan pasar iklan televisi bisa tersaingi. Namun semuanya ditentukan oleh sedikit-banyaknya pengguna internet. Untuk Indonesia, potensi pasang iklan seperti di atas masih perlu menunggu waktu.*

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Oeil de perdrix

Oeil de Perdrix is a rosé wine produced in Switzerland. The history of the wine style dates back to the Middle Ages in the Champagne region of France and from there spread to the Canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland where it would become a popular dry rosé made from Pinot noir.

Its name means "eye of partridge" in French, a reference to the pale pink colour of the eye of a partridge in death throes. Until about a century ago, it was common for vineyards to have the red and white grapes unseparated unlike today where each vineyard has a unique grape.

This gave white wine, red wine and what was called grey wine because the wine was neither white nor red. It is also an old name for very pale rosé wine made by the saignée method, in which the juice of red grapes is drawn off and fermented with little contact with the skins.

With the modernization of viticulture and separation of grapes the term Oeil de Perdrix disappeared in France but remained in the Canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland. The Canton of Neuchâtel would export the Oeil de Perdix primarily to the German-speaking cantons of Switzerland but also to other cantons, namely to the cantons of Geneva, Vaud and Valais.

After the Second World War, the latter decided to start producing their own Oeil de Perdrix. When the policy for wine of controlled origin (AOC) in Switzerland began, the Canton of Neuchâtel claimed the sole Oeil de Perdrix AOC but it was refused and the cantons of Geneva, Vaud, Valais and Neuchâtel, all have the Oeil de Perdrix AOC today.

The early origins of the American wine White Zinfandel can be traced to a California winemakers attempt at making an Oeil de Perdrix style wine.


See Also: flower philippines, Gift Philippines, flowers jamaica

Orange wine

Orange wine is wine made from white wine grape varieties that have spent some maceration time in contact with the grape skins. Typically white wine production involves crushing the grapes and quickly moving the juice off the skins into the fermentation vessel.

The skins contain color pigment, phenols and tannins that are often considered undesirable for white wines while for red wines, skin contact and maceration is a vital part of the winemaking process that gives red wines its color, flavor and texture. Orange wines get their name from the darker, slightly orange tinge that the white wines receive due to their contact with the coloring pigments of the grape skins.

This winemaking style is essentially the opposite of rosé production which involves getting red wine grapes quickly off their skins, leaving the wine with a slightly pinkish hue. However in the case of Pinot gris, among the more popular grapes to apply a skin-contact treatment that is neither red nor white, the diffuse nature of the term becomes illustrated, as both an orange wine and a rosé might achieve a similar expression of pink/orange/salmon-colored wine.

The practice has a long history in winemaking dating back thousands of years to the Eurasian wine producing country of Georgia. In recent years the practice has been adopted by Italian winemakers, chiefly in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia wine region, while there is also production in Slovenia, Croatia, France, New Zealand, and California.

Orange wines were not uncommon in Italy in the 1950s and 1960s, but gradually became obscure as technically correct and fresh white wines came to dominate the market.


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Pinot gris

Pinot gris is a white wine grape variety of the species Vitis vinifera. Thought to be a mutant clone of the Pinot noir grape, it normally has a grayish-blue fruit, accounting for its name ("gris" meaning "grey" in French) but the grape can have a brownish pink to black and even white appearance.

The word "Pinot", which means "pinecone" in French, could have been given to it because the grapes grow in small pinecone-shaped clusters.

The wines produced from this grape also vary in colour from a deep golden yellow to copper and even a light shade of pink, and it is one of the more popular grapes for orange wine. The clone of Pinot gris grown in Italy is known as Pinot grigio.

Pinot gris has been known from the Middle Ages in the Burgundy region, where it was probably called Fromenteau. It spread from Burgundy, along with Pinot noir, arriving in Switzerland by 1300.

The grape was reportedly a favorite of the Emperor Charles IV, who had cuttings imported to Hungary by Cistercian monks: the brothers planted the vines on the slopes of Badacsony bordering Lake Balaton in 1375.

The vine soon after developed the name Szürkebarát meaning "grey monk." In 1711, a German merchant, named Johann Seger Ruland discovered a grape growing wild in the fields of the Palatinate. The subsequent wine he produced became known as Ruländer and the vine was later discovered to be Pinot gris.

Until the 18th and 19th century, the grape was a popular planting in Burgundy and Champagne but poor yields and unreliable crops caused the grape to fall out of favour in those areas.

The same fate nearly occurred in Germany, but vine breeders in the early 20th century were able to develop clonal varieties that would produce a more consistent and reliable crop.

Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have determined that Pinot gris has a remarkably similar DNA profile to Pinot noir and that the colour difference is derived from a genetic mutation that occurred centuries ago.

The leaves and the vines of both grapes are so similar that the colouration difference is the only thing that tells them apart.

Around 2005, Pinot gris was enjoying increasing popularity in the marketplace, especially in its Pinot Grigio incarnation and similar New World varietal wines.


See Also: flowers sydney, Floral, florist sydney, florist melbourne

Muscat Blanc à Petits Grains

Muscat Blanc à Petits Grains is a white wine grape that is a member of the Muscat family of Vitis vinifera. Its name comes from its characteristic small berry size and tight clusters.

It is known under a variety of local names such as Muscat Blanc, Muscat Canelli, Moscato Bianco, Muscat de Frontignan, Muscat de Lunel, Muscat d'Alsace, Muskateller, Moscatel de Grano Menudo, Moscatel Rosé and Sárgamuskotály .

While technically a white grape, there are strains of Muscat Blanc à Petits Grains vines that produce berries that are pink or reddish brown. The same vine could potentially produce berries of one color one year and a different color the next.

These strains are more prevalent in Australia, where the grape is also known as Frontignac and Brown Muscat. South Africa's Muskadel strain tends to show the same darker characteristics.

Variants where the differing grape colour is stable are typically classified as separate grape varieties Muscat Rouge à Petit Grains for red skin colour and Muscat Rose à Petit Grains for pink skin colour.

Muscat Blanc à Petits Grains is considered one of the oldest grape varieties still in existence. Ampelographers have identified the grape with the Anathelicon moschaton grape used by the Ancient Greeks and the Apiane vines planted by the Romans (so named because of the fondness that insects, such as bees (Latin apis), have for devouring the flesh of the grapes).

It was probably first introduced to France by the Greeks through the trading port at Marseille and later spread to the Narbonne region by Romans in their conquest of Gaul.

It was a chief export of Frontignan by the time of Charlemagne and plantings were recorded in Germany by the 12th century. It became a popular planting in Alsace by the 16th century.


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Sauvignon vert

Sauvignon vert (also known as Sauvignonasse & Friulano) is a white wine grape of the species Vitis vinifera. It is widely planted in Chile where it was historically mistaken for Sauvignon blanc. The grape is distinct from the California planting of Muscadelle which is also called Sauvignon vert.

The grape is also known as Italian wine grape Tocai Friulano in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region. Though the Pinot Grigio vine that is also prevalent in Friuli is known by the synonym Tokay d'Alsace in Alsace, there is no connection between Tocai Friulano (Sauvignon vert) and Pinot grigio.

The grape is believed to have originated in the Veneto region and from there traveled to the Friuli region and other Italian wine regions such as Lombardy.

In Italy the grape was historically known as Tocai Friulano even though the grape has no known relation any of the grapes used in the Hungarian wine Tokaji even though evidence suggest that following the 17th century wedding of the Venetian princess Aurora Formentini to the Hungarian Count Batthujany that some vines of Tocai Friulano was brought with the princess to Hungary.

To better distinguish the wines and to protect the Tokaji name, the European Union established regulations prohibiting the use of names too closely associated and easily confused with Tokaji. Winemakers in the Friuli have elected to just refer to the grape as simply Friulano.

From Italy the grape is believed to have spread to France where it was transported to Chile as "Sauvignon blanc". Only in the 1990s did ampelographers determine that that the Chilean "Sauvignon blanc" was actually Sauvignon vert.

Once the discovery was made, plantings of "true" Sauvignon blanc increased as Sauvignon vert (or Sauvignonasse as it known) decreased. While the grape still remains a popular planting in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia, it currently has little presence in other parts of the world.


See Also: Florist Toronto, same day delivery flower, flowers toronto, delivery toronto


Merlot is a red wine grape that is used as both a blending grape and for varietal wines. The name Merlot is thought to derive from the Old French word for young blackbird, merlot, a diminutive of merle, the blackbird (Turdus merula), probably from the color of the grape.

Merlot-based wines usually have medium body with hints of berry, plum, and currant. Its softness and "fleshiness", combined with its earlier ripening, makes Merlot a popular grape for blending with the sterner, later-ripening Cabernet Sauvignon, which tends to be higher in tannin.

Along with Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Malbec and Petit Verdot, Merlot is one of the primary grapes in Bordeaux wine where it is the most widely planted grape. Merlot is also one of the most popular red wine varietals in many markets.

This flexibility has helped to make it one of the world's most planted grape varieties. As of 2004, Merlot was estimated to be the third most grown variety at 260,000 hectares (640,000 acres) globally, with an increasing trend. This put Merlot just behind Cabernet Sauvignon's 262,000 hectares (650,000 acres).

Researchers at University of California, Davis believe that Merlot is an offspring of Cabernet Franc and is a sibling of Carménère and Cabernet Sauvignon. The earliest recorded mention of Merlot was in the notes of a local Bordeaux official who in 1784 labeled wine made from the grape in the Libournais region as one of the area's best.

The name comes from the Occitan word "merlot", which means "young blackbird" ("merle" is the French word for several kinds of thrushes, including blackbirds); the naming came either because of the grape's beautiful dark-blue color, or due to blackbirds' fondness for grapes. By the 19th century it was being regularly planted in the Médoc on the "Left Bank" of the Gironde.

After a series of setbacks that includes a severe frost in 1956 and several vintages in the 1960s lost to rot, French authorities in Bordeaux banned new plantings of Merlot vines between 1970 and 1975.

It was first recorded in Italy around Venice under the synonym Bordò in 1855. The grape was introduced to the Swiss, from Bordeaux, sometime in the 19th century and was recorded in the Swiss canton of Ticino between 1905 and 1910.

In the 1990s, Merlot saw an upswing of popularity in the United States. Red wine consumption, in general, increased in the US following the airing of the 60 Minutes report on the French Paradox and the potential health benefits of wine and the chemical resveratrol.

The popularity of Merlot stemmed in part from the relative ease in pronouncing the wine as well as it softer, fruity profile that it made more approachable to some wine drinkers.


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Carignan is a red wine grape that originated in Cariñena, Aragon and was later transplanted to Sardinia, elsewhere in Italy, France, Algeria, and much of the New World. Along with Aramon, it considered one of the main grapes responsible for France's wine lake.

In California, the grape is rarely used to make varietal wines, but some examples from old vines do exist. In Australia, Carignan is used as a component of blended wines.

In the Languedoc, the grape is often blended with Cinsaut, Grenache, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Mourvèdre and Merlot. It has an upright growth habit and can be grown without a trellis. It was crossed to Cabernet Sauvignon to give Ruby Cabernet.

Carignan is believed to have originated in Spain in the Aragon region and was historically a component of neighboring Rioja's red wine blend. From Spain it gained prominence in Algeria and fed that country's export production to France.

Upon Algeria's independence in 1962, the French supply of Carignan wine was cut off and growers in Southern France began to plant the vine for their own production.

The grape's prominence in France hit a high point in 1988 when it accounted for 167,000 hectares and was France's most widely planted grape.

That year, in a drive to increase the overall quality of European wine and to reduce the growing wine lake phenomenon, the European Union started an aggressive vine pull scheme where vineyard owners were offered cash subsidies in exchange for pulling up their vines.

Out of all the French wine varieties, Carignan was the most widely affected dropping by 2000 to 95,700 ha (236,000 acres) and being surpassed by Merlot as the most widely planted grape.


See Also: SendinG Flowers, Delivery Flowers, Flower Chelsea, order flowers delivery

Château Cheval Blanc

Château Cheval Blanc (French for "Castle White Horse"), is a wine producer in Saint-Émilion in the Bordeaux wine region of France.

Its wine is one of only two to receive the highest rank of Premier Grand Cru Classé (A) status in the Classification of Saint-Émilion wine of 1955, along with Château Ausone. The estate's second wine is named Le Petit Cheval.

In 1832 Château Figeac sold 15 hectares/37 acres to M. Laussac-Fourcaud, including part of the narrow gravel ridge that runs through Figeac and neighboring vineyards and reaches Château Pétrus just over the border in Pomerol.

This became Château Cheval Blanc which, in the International London and Paris Exhibitions in 1862 and 1867, won medals still prominent on its labels.

The château remained in the family until 1998 when it was sold to Bernard Arnault, chairman of luxury goods group LVMH, and Belgian businessman Albert Frère, with Pierre Lurton installed as estate manager, a constellation similar to that of the group's other chief property Château d'Yquem.


See Also: Birthday Flowers, Flowers Gifts, Flowers Online

Alicante Bouschet

Alicante Bouschet is a wine grape variety that has been widely cultivated since 1866. It is a cross of Grenache with Petit Bouschet (itself a cross of the very old variety Teinturier du Cher and Aramon). Alicante is a teinturier, a grape with red flesh.

It is one of the few teinturier grapes that belong to the Vitis vinifera family. Its deep color makes it useful for blending with light red wine. It was planted heavily during Prohibition in California for export to the East Coast.

Its thick skin made it resistant to rot during the transportation process. The intense red color was also helpful for stretching the wine during prohibition, as it could be diluted without detracting from the appearance.

At the turn of the 21st century, Alicante Bouschet was the 12th most planted red wine grape in France with sizable plantings in the Languedoc, Provence and Cognac regions.

The grape was first cultivated in France in 1866 by Henri Bouschet as a cross of Petit Bouschet and Grenache. The Petit Bouschet grape was created by his father Louis Bouschet. The result was to produce a grape with deep color grape of higher quality then the Teinturier du Cher.

Several varieties of Alicante Bouschet were produced of varying quality. The grapes high yields and easy maintenance encouraged its popularity among French wine growers, especially in the years following the Phylloxera epidemic. By the end of the 19th century there were Alicante Bouschet plantings in Bordeaux, Burgundy and the Loire Valley.

The grape was widely popular in the United States during the years of Prohibition. Grape growers in California's Central Valley found that the grape's pulp was so fleshy and juicy that fermentable juice could be retrieved even after the third pressing.

In contrasts, wines made grapes like Chardonnay and Merlot typically only include the juice from the free run (before pressing) and first or second pressing.

The grape's thick skin also meant that it could survive the long railway transportation from California to New York's Pennsylvania Station which had auction rooms where the grapes were sold.

In 1928, one single auction lot 225 carloads of grape was purchase by a single buyer. The amount of grapes was enough to make over 2 million gallons of wine.


See Also: Birthday gifts, India Gifts, India Gift, Flowers India

Limoux wine

Limoux wine is produced around the city of Limoux in Languedoc in southwestern France. Limoux wine is produced under four Appellation d'origine contrôlée (AOC) designations: Blanquette de Limoux, Blanquette méthode ancestrale, Crémant de Limoux and Limoux, the first three of which are sparkling wines and dominate the production around Limoux.

The main grape of the region is the Mauzac, locally known as Blanquette, followed by Chardonnay and Chenin blanc. In 2005, the Limoux AOC was created to include red wine production consisting of mostly Merlot.

Local wine historians believe that the world's first sparkling wine was produced in this region in 1531, by the monks at the abbey in Saint-Hilaire.

The Limoux wine region is located in the eastern foothills of the Pyrénées in southern France, south of the fortified city of Carcassonne. The classified vineyards are all in the Aude département, in the general vicinity of Limoux, west of the Corbières hills.

The climate is dominated by the strong winds of the region, the dry, Atlantic vent cers and the warm, Mediterranean vent marin. The Mediterranean climate of the region has more Atlantic influences than other Languedoc wine regions.

The soil in the area is rocky with clay, sandstone and limestone, creating distinct terroir throughout the region depending on the degree of Mediterranean or Atlantic influences and clay composition in the soil.

The unique topography of the region and combination of Mediterranean and Atlantic influences has created ideal conditions for the slow, even ripening of the region's white wine grapes.

Despite being located at a southerly latitude, the climate is cooler and moister than in most of the wine regions in southern France.

Its location in the foothills of the Pyrénées allows the vineyards to be at a higher elevation, and planted in optimal locations on hillsides.


See Also: Florist Malaysia, Malaysia Florist, Dubai Flower, Dubai Flowers

Montepulciano d'Abruzzo

Montepulciano d'Abruzzo is a type of red wine made from the Montepulciano wine grape in the Abruzzo region of east-central Italy.

The grape is however recommended for 20 of Italy's 95 provinces. Up to 10% Sangiovese is permitted to be added to the blend.

It is typically a fruity, dry wine with soft tannins, and as such is often consumed young. The Montepulciano d'Abruzzo is classified as DOC and DOCG in Teramo (where it is officially called Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Colline Teramane).

If aged by the winery for more than two years, the wine may be labeled "Riserva." This wine should not be confused with Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, a Tuscan wine made from Sangiovese and other grapes, but not the Montepulciano variety.


See Also: hong kong flower, Malaysia Gift, Birthday Gift

Cadbury plc

Cadbury is a British confectionery company, the industry's second-largest globally after the combined Mars-Wrigley. Headquartered in Cadbury House in the Uxbridge Business Park in Uxbridge, London Borough of Hillingdon, England and formerly listed on the London Stock Exchange, Cadbury was acquired by Kraft Foods in February 2010.

The company was an ever-present constituent of the FTSE 100 from the index's 1984 inception until its 2010 takeover.

The firm was known as "Cadbury Schweppes plc" from 1969 until a May 2008 demerger, which saw the separation of its global confectionery business from its U.S. beverage unit, which has been renamed Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc.

In 1824, John Cadbury began vending tea, coffee, and drinking chocolate, which he produced himself, at Bull Street in Birmingham, England. John Cadbury later moved into the production of a variety of Cocoas and Drinking Chocolates being manufactured from a factory in Bridge Street, supplying mainly to the wealthy due to the high cost of manufacture at this time.

During this time a partnership was struck between John Cadbury and his brother Benjamin. At this time the company was known as 'Cadbury Brothers of Birmingham'.

The two brothers opened an office in London and in 1854 received the Royal Warrant as manufacturers of chocolate and cocoa to Queen Victoria.

Around this time in the 1850s the industry received a much needed boost with the reduction in high import taxes on cocoa; this allowed chocolate to become more affordable to everyone.

Due to the popularity of a new expanded product line, including the very popular Cadbury's Cocoa Essence, the company's success led to the decision in 1873 to cease the trading of tea.

Around this time, master confectioner Frederic Kinchelman was appointed to share his recipe and production secrets with Cadbury, which led to an assortment of various chocolate covered items.

In 1878, John Cadbury's sons Richard and George (who had taken over the company after John Cadbury's retirement in 1861), acquired the Bournbrook estate, comprising fourteen and a half acres of countryside five miles south of the outskirts of Birmingham. They renamed the Bournbrook estate to Bournville and opened the Bournville factory in 1879.

In 1893, George Cadbury bought 120 acres (49 ha) of land close to the works and planned, at his own expense, a model village which would 'alleviate the evils of modern more cramped living conditions'.

By 1900 the estate included 313 cottages and houses set on 330 acres (130 ha) of land. As the Cadbury family were Quakers there were no pubs in the estate in fact, it was their Quaker beliefs that first led them to sell tea, coffee and cocoa as alternatives to alcohol.

The history of the company, from its origins up to modern times, has been charted in the recent book by John Bradley.


See Also: send flowers to, same day roses delivery, online flowers ordering, flower hong kong

Godiva Chocolatier

Godiva Chocolatier is a manufacturer of premium chocolates and related products. Godiva, founded in Belgium in 1926, was purchased by Turkey's Yıldız Holding, owner of the Ülker Group, early in 2008.

Godiva owns and operates more than 450 retail boutiques and shops in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia and is available via over 10,000 specialty retailers.

In addition to chocolates, Godiva also sells truffles, coffee, cocoa, biscuits, dipped fruits and sweets, "Chocolixir" beverages, wedding and party favors and other items arranged in gift baskets.

Godiva's signature package is the Gold Ballotin (French for "small, elegant box of chocolates"). Godiva also produces seasonal and limited-edition chocolates with special packaging for all major holidays.

Godiva also has license agreements for the production of ice cream, cheesecake, coffee pods and liqueur that comes in several chocolate-related flavors.

Godiva chocolates are relatively expensive, even compared to lesser-known brands that are considered to be of higher quality, like Valrhona or Michel Cluizel.

Godiva (god ee' va) was founded in 1926 in Brussels, Belgium, by Joseph Draps. Draps opened his first boutique in the Grand Place in Brussels under its present name, in honor of the legend of Lady Godiva.

The first Godiva shop outside Belgium was opened in Paris in 1958. In 1966, the company's products reached the United States, where it was sold at luxury department stores.

The following year, it was purchased by the Campbell Soup Company. In 1972, the first Godiva boutique in North America was opened on New York's Fifth Avenue.

By 2007 Godiva had annual sales of approximately $500 million. In August of that year, Campbell Soup Company announced it was "exploring strategic alternatives, including possible divestiture, for its Godiva Chocolatier business", the company said the "premium chocolate business does not fit with Campbell's strategic focus on simple meals".

On December 20, 2007, Campbell announced that it entered into an agreement to sell Godiva to Istanbul, Turkey, based Yıldız Holding, which owns Ülker group, the largest consumer goods manufacturer in the Turkish food industry.The acquisition was completed on March 18, 2008, for $850 million.


See Also: Flowers Online, Send Gift To, Send Gifts To, Sending gift

Scharffen Berger Chocolate Maker

Scharffen Berger Chocolate was a Berkeley, California-based chocolate maker, founded in 1996 by sparkling wine maker John Scharffenberger and physician Robert Steinberg.

Scharffen Berger is currently produced by Artisan Confections Company, a subsidiary of The Hershey Company.

The company was a manufacturer of chocolateas oppose d to the far more common chocolatiers, who make their products using chocolate acquired from wholesalers and manufacturers the first American company founded in the past 50 years to make chocolate "from bean to bar".

Berger primarily produced chocolate bars, using small-batch processing and focusing on dark chocolate varieties with high cocoa solid content.

The company's origins lie with founders John Scharffenberger and Robert Steinberg. In 1989, Steinberg, a physician, was diagnosed with cancer and given a 50% chance of dying within ten years of the diagnosis.

Steinberg promptly sold his practice and began exploring other career options. he read through a 600 page chocolate cookbook at the urging of a friend, which sparked Steinberg's interest in chocolate making.

He began travelling to study the process of chocolate making. Steinberg toured the Bernachon chocolate company in Lyon, France, in 1993. He soon composed a letter in French asking Bernachon for an internship and was granted a brief two weeks with the small company.

Steinberg returned from his internship in France and soon ran into John Scharffenberger, his former patient and neighbor.Scharffenberger, a winemaker and businessman, was selling his winery, Scharffenberger Cellars, and was exploring potential new business opportunities.

Steinberg offered Scharffenberger a piece of French chocolate which he happened to have in his pocket. "Robert had this chunk of chocolate in his pocket that I think he'd been carrying for months. But it tasted better than anything I'd ever had," Scharffenberger later recalled in a 1998 interview with People Magazine.

Scharffenberger and Steinberg soon partnered together to begin making chocolate. They began creating their first experimental batches of chocolate in Steinberg's own home kitchen using over 30 varieties of cacao beans.

Their basic chocolate making instruments included a mortar and pestle, coffee grinder and a hair dryer to keep the chocolate viscous.


See Also: Flowers delivery, Bouquet, Roses, Floral


M&M's (named after the surnames of the company founders Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie) are dragée-like "colorful button-shaped candies" produced by Mars, Incorporated.

The candy shells, each of which has the letter "m" printed in lower case on one side, surround a variety of fillings, including milk chocolate, dark chocolate, crisped rice, mint chocolate, peanuts, almonds, orange chocolate, coconut, and peanut butter.

M&M's originated in the United States in 1941, and are now sold in over 100 countries. They are produced in different colors, some of which have changed over the years.

The difference between the different colored M&Ms is the dye added to the outer coating, which does not actually affect the taste.

Forrest Mars, Sr. founder of the Mars Company, got the idea for the confection in the 1930s during the Spanish Civil War when he saw soldiers eating chocolate pellets with a hard shell of tempered chocolate surrounding the inside, preventing the candies from melting.

Mars received a patent for his own process on March 3, 1941.[citation needed] Production began in 1941 in a factory located at 285 Badger Avenue in Clinton Hill, Newark, New Jersey. One M was for Forrest E. Mars Sr., and one for William F. R. Murrie, President of Hershey's Chocolate . Murrie had 20 percent interest in the product.

The arrangement allowed the candies to be made with Hershey chocolate which had control of the rationed chocolate. When operations were started, the hard-coated chocolates were made in five colors: red, yellow, brown, green, and violet. They were served in a cardboard tube (similar to Smarties).

The practicality of the candies during World War II caused an increase in production and its factory moved to bigger quarters at 200 North 12th Street in Newark, New Jersey where they remained until 1958 when it moved to a bigger factory at Hackettstown, New Jersey. During the War the candies were exclusively sold to the military.

In 1948, the cardboard packaging was replaced by the black cellophane packaging. In the same year Mars bought out Murrie's 20 percent stake.


See Also: send flowers, flower delivery, Online Florist, flower shop


Snickers is a candy bar made by Mars, Incorporated. It consists of peanut nougat topped with roasted peanuts and caramel covered with milk chocolate. Snickers is the best selling chocolate bar of all time and has annual global sales of US $2 billion.

The original Snickers was formerly sold as Marathon in the United Kingdom and Ireland. More recently, Snickers Marathon branded energy bars have been sold in some markets. In May 2008, Mars, Incorporated was rumoured to temporarily re-launch the Marathon bar.

In 1930, the Mars family introduced its second product, Snickers, named after their favorite horse.

In the early 2000s, deep fried chocolate bars (including Snickers, and Mars bars) became popular at US state fairs, although they had been a local speciality in some fish and chips shops in Scotland for some time despite containing an estimated 440 kilocalories (1,800 kJ) per bar.

In 2006, the UK Food Commission highlighted celebrity chef Antony Worrall Thompson's "Snickers pie", which contained five Snickers bars among other ingredients, suggesting it was one of the unhealthiest desserts ever; one slice providing "over 1,250 kilocalories (5,200 kJ) from sugar and fat alone", more than half a day's requirement for an average adult. The pie had featured on his BBC Saturday programme some two years earlier and the chef described it as an occasional treat only.

The Cheesecake Factory restaurant bakes and sells its own "Snicker's Bar Chunks and Cheesecake" which consists of its own Original Cheesecake with whole Snickers chunks baked right into it. It is topped with peanuts and drizzled with chocolate sauce for the plate presentation.


See Also: florist, florists, flower, flowers

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Kiat Berwisata dan Liburan Di Bali

Pulau Bali adalah salah satu pulau terindah di Bali, ini dapat di lihat dari hampir semua wisatawan asing datang ke Indonesia khusus berkunjung ke Bali. Dan Bali pun sering mendapat penghargaan internasional sebagai pulau wisata terbaik di dunia.

Di Bali banyak sekali terdapat tempat wisata liburan Bali, mulai Pantai Kuta, yang telah terkenal sejak dulu dengan pasir putihnya, Ubud yang terkenal dengan desa dan sawah yang alami, yang tentunya sangat menarik, Nusa Dua terkenal dengan kawasan hotel ataupun villa yang elit di Bali, suasana di Nusa Dua lebih tenang dari pada di Kuta. Tanjung Benoa terkenal dengan pantainya yang menjadi salah satu pusat permainan pantai terbaik di bali, seperti snorkeling, parasiling, Banana Boat, Flying Fish, Jet Ski, Scuba Diving, Glassbottom termasuk Turtle Island, Water SKI, Wake Board, Rolling Donut, dan Lovina yang terkenal dengan Lumba – lumbanya. Dan masih banyak lagi tempat wisata di Bali yang terkenal yang dapat Anda kunjungi.

Karena banyaknya tempat wisata, sebaiknya Anda sebelum liburan Bali mengatur terlebih dahulu rencana tour Anda. Agar tidak bingung karena banyaknya wisata yang ada di Bali. Dan yang perlu di perhatikan juga, waktu liburan Anda di Bali, harap booking hotel / villa / penginapan di Bali jauh hari sebelumnya, sebulan sebelum Anda dating ke Bali di harapkan Anda sudah booking penginapan agar penginapan yang anda inginkan masih tersedia, karena di bulan – bulan tertentu penginapan di Bali hampir semuanya penuh.

Adapun waktu hight season di Bali ialah pada waktu bulan Maret – April, Juni – Juli ( liburan sekolah sekala nasional, liburan lebaran), dan bulan November – Desember (libur internasional memasuki Natal dan tahun baru).

Untuk menghindari penuhnya hunian hotel, villa ataupun penginapan di Bali, kami sarankan Anda untuk memesan kamar melalui agen perjalanan di bali.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Serba-serbi Paket Pengantin Pernikahan

Di jaman yang serba mudah dan instan, banyak hal tersedia bagi banyak orang agar mereka mampu mendapat semua hal yang mereka inginkan dan butuhkan dengan mudah dan tanpa berbelit-belit. Persiapan pernikahan juga dapat dilakukan dengan cara yang instan dan mudah. Salah satunya adalah dengan memilih paket pengantin pernikahan untuk penyelenggaraan hari bahagia ini dengan sempurna.

Beragamnya paket pernikahan menjadikan para calon mempelai harus benar-benar memperhatikan paket pernikahan mana yang seharusnya mereka pilih. Hendaknya, paket pernikahan yang mereka pilih ini sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan mereka.
Apabila mereka berniat mengadakan pesta pernikahan ataupun prosesi pernikahan yang besar dan lengkap, maka jasa yang menghadirkan paket yang terlengkaplah yang seharusnya dipilih oleh calon pengantin ini. Sebaliknya, jika pesta pernikahan yang akan dilangsungkan adalah pernikahan dengan konsep yang sederhana, maka tidak akan perlu bagi calon pengantin untuk menggunakan paket pengantin yang serba lengkap. Bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki masalah dengan biaya, lebih lagi mereka yang tidak memiliki banyak waktu untuk mempersiapkan pernikahan mereka, maka paket pernikahan yang lengkap adalah yang paling sesuai. Dengan paket pernikahan lengkap ini, maka mereka akan mampu mendapatkan semua jasa yang mereka butuhkan tanpa harus mempersiapkannya secara terpisah.

Paket pernikahan seperti ini akan mampu menghadirkan beragai jasa, seperti katering, lokasi pernikahan, dekorasi lokasi pernikahan, tata rias pengantin, busana pengantin, dokumentasi, undangan, cinderamata, dan banyak hal lain yang akan dibutuhkan ketika kedua mempelai berencana membuat pesta pernikahan besar sesuai dengan impian mereka.
Namun, bagi mereka yang berencana untuk mengadakan pernikahan yang sederhana, pilihihan paket pernikahan yang lengkap akan tidak sesuai. Akan ada paket pernikahan yang lebih sederhana namun berkualitas sebagai pilihan yang baik bagi para calon pengantin yang menginginkan pernikahan mereka sebagai acara yang sederhana namun berkesan.

Akan terdapat berbagai macam paket pernikahan yang dapa disesuaikan dengan kemampuan dan kebutuhan sang calon mempelai. Beberapa salon akan menawarkan tata rias pernikahan, kostum pernikahan, dekorasi pelaminan dan gedung dan beberapa hal terkait lainnya. Beberapa perusahaan jasa pernikahan yang ada juga menawarkan paket tertetu yang hanya menyediakan ruangan atau gedung lokasi pernikahan dan katering bagi penyelenggaraan paket pernikahan. Jika sang calon pengantin memilih paket pernikahan dengan jenis ini, mereka akan mampu memperoleh keuntungan yang berbeda pada pernikahan mereka.

Mereka akan mampu menggabungkan beberapa jasa pernikahan untuk mendapatkan harga yang paling terjangkau oleh kemampuan kedua calon mempelai. Misalnya, seseorang mengetahui bahwa paket tertentu akan lebih murah jika digabungkan dengan paket yang lain, daripada mereka harus membayar lebih untuk paket pernikahan lengkap yang sudan tidak bisa ditawar lagi.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Tips dan Trik Pasang Iklan Bayar Per Klik

Secara umum, saat ini, ada 4 jenis iklan yang bisa kita pilih untuk mempromosikan bisnis atau produk. Diantaranya adalah:

- iklan gratis,

- iklan premium,

- iklan jaringan

- iklan PPC.

Dari ke-4 jenis iklan itu, kalau pengen jalur cepat gunakanlah IKLAN PPC. Tapi kalau mau jalur lambat bisa gunakan fasilitas pasang iklan gratis. Masing-masing akan saya bahas satu per satu ya.


Iklan jenis ini sangat fair. Kita hanya membayar sejumlah klik atau sejumlah pengunjung yang datang ke web kita. Untuk pasang iklan disini, kita harus deposit dulu, misalnya Rp. 25.000

lalu setiap ada pengunjung ke web kita maka deposit kita akan berkurang dengan sendirinya.

Iklan jenis ini, dikenal juga dengan nama iklan PPC (pay per click)

Ada banyak tempat pemasangan iklan ini. Dalam panduan ini saya akan berikan panduan hanya untuk 2 tempat saja ya. Yang pertama di dan kedua di saat ini termasuk tempat pemasangan iklan paling laris, sebab mereka sangat selektif memilih publisher (web/blog anggota jaringannya). Disini biaya iklannya minimal Rp. 250 per klik. Anggota jaringan web/blog nya termasuk sangat banyak.

Kalau Anda mau mencoba dengan harga iklan yang paling murah, namun hasilnya cukup bagus, bisa juga gunakan

Disini kita bisa memilih harga iklan per klik nya berapa. Kita bisa memilih harga iklan yang Rp. 500 per klik, tapi juga bisa memilih yang Rp. 100 per klik. Biasanya ini terkait dengan jumlah pengunjung (alexa rank) dari situs yang mau kita pasangi iklan kita.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Tips dan Trik Pasang Iklan Dalam Bentuk Jaringan

Secara umum, saat ini, ada 4 jenis iklan yang bisa kita pilih untuk mempromosikan bisnis atau produk. Diantaranya adalah:

- iklan gratis,

- iklan premium,

- iklan jaringan

- iklan PPC.

Dari ke-4 jenis iklan itu, kalau pengen jalur cepat gunakanlah IKLAN PPC. Tapi kalau mau jalur lambat bisa gunakan jasa pasang iklan gratis. Masing-masing akan saya bahas satu per satu ya.


Kalau yang ini, lain lagi. Silakan kunjungi:

= (dalam bentuk jaringan puluhan web iklan)

- (juga dalam bentuk jaringan iklan)

Disitu, iklan kita dipasang di puluhan situs iklan yang masuk dalam jaringannya. Bayarnya sekitar 80.000 per bulan.

Biasanya, iklan kita akan ditampilkan di bagian atas, atau samping/sidebar, ada yang berupa iklan teks, ada juga dalam bentuk iklan banner/gambar.

Pasang Iklan jenis ini, sifatnya me-rotasi iklan kita. Coba lihat salah satu situs anggota jaringannya. Perhatikan, ternyata iklan yang tampil setiap kita buka, beda-beda. Ya, maksudnya iklan yang muncul dibuat bergiliran.

Apakah efektif? Menurut saya tergantung kalimat/teks iklan yang kita pakai sangat menentukan. Tapi enaknya, disini kita bisa meng-edit kalimat iklan tsb setiap saat, sampai ketemu yang paling menghasilkan pengunjung yang banyak. Pikirkanlah teks iklan yang tertarget ke pasar yang dibidik.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Tips dan Trik Pasang Iklan Premium atau Yang Berbayar

Secara umum, saat ini, ada 4 jenis iklan yang bisa kita pilih untuk mempromosikan bisnis atau produk. Diantaranya adalah:

- iklan gratis,

- iklan premium,

- iklan jaringan

- iklan PPC.

Dari ke-4 jenis iklan itu, kalau pengen jalur cepat gunakanlah IKLAN PPC. Tapi kalau mau jalur lambat bisa gunakan jasa pasang iklan gratis. Masing-masing akan saya bahas satu per satu ya.


Kalau kita promosi di iklan gratis, setahu saya hasilnya kurang memuaskan. Jadi saya pribadi kurang suka menggunakan cara ini, sebab terus terang, selain capek, hasilnya juga bisa dibilang kurang bagus. Saya kira situs-situs iklan baris yang ada saat ini, harus mencari terobosan untuk mengatasi kekurangan ini.

Yang agak lumayan bagus menurut saya adalah pasang iklannya dengan sistemnya bayar per bulan. Nggak terlalu mahal. Ada yang 30 ribu, ada yang 45 ribu ada juga yang 100 ribu, tergantung situsnya.

Pada iklan berbayar ini, iklan kita akan muncul terus selama 30 hari, tiap hari di halaman depan, sehingga hampir dipastikan akan ada yang KLIK ke web kita.

Tapi jangan lupa, sebelum pasang iklan premium ini, perlu perhatikan hal-hal berikut:

* Cek terlebih dahulu statistik web iklan tsb, cari yang jumlah pengunjungnya di atas 3000 per hari. Bisa dilihat di statistik yang ditampilkan web tsb di bagian pinggir. Kalau gak ada statistik web, jangan pasang disana, bisa jadi pengunjungnya masih sedikit.

* Cek juga apakah link ke web kita, langsung ataukah harus buka halaman info detil dulu. Menurut saya, carilah yang bisa langsung masuk ke web kita (kecuali kita tidak menjual lewat link website). Biasanya ada tulisan “kunjungi website” dan link nya bisa langsung ke web kita. Itu jauh lebih menguntungkan.

* Pastikan iklan kita sudah tampil setelah kita melakukan pembayaran. Kalau belum, segera hubungi admin/pengelolanya.

beberapa alternatif tempat pasang iklan premium yang cukup bagus bisa anda cari di google dengan kata kunci “iklan premium”

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Tips dan Trik Memasang Iklan Gratis Di Internet

Secara umum, saat ini, ada 4 jenis iklan yang bisa kita pilih untuk mempromosikan bisnis atau produk. Diantaranya adalah:

- iklan gratis,

- iklan premium,

- iklan jaringan

- iklan PPC.

Dari ke-4 jenis iklan itu, kalau pengen jalur cepat gunakanlah IKLAN PPC. Tapi kalau mau jalur lambat bisa pasang iklan gratis. Masing-masing akan saya bahas satu per satu ya.


Ada banyak sekali tempat pemasangan iklan gratis. Saya nggak akan sebut semuanya. Cukup beberapa saja ya:





Saran saya, kalau terpaksa harus pakai iklan gratis, pasanglah iklan di tempat pemasangan yang mempunyai ribuan pengunjung per hari dan dalam bentuk jaringan. Maksudnya dengan 1x pasang, iklan kita akan langsung tayang di puluhan situs iklan.

Silakan gunakan:




Sedangkan untuk iklan lewat SMS, gunakan di:


Untuk pasang iklan disana, caranya:

- Anda daftar dulu (gratis)

- lalu LOGIN, isi username dan password

- klik menu Pasang Iklan.

- ketika sudah terkirim iklannya, jangan lupa klik lagi next, next,

(untuk submit ke situs iklan lainnya)

Kelemahan pasang iklan gratis adalah, iklan kita tampil di situs iklan baris itu hanya sebentar. Sebab ‘kan yang orang yang pasang iklan itu sangat banyak, sehingga kurang dari 1 jam, iklan kita sudah tergeser ke bawah, masuk ke halaman lain.

Tapi, kalau masih mau “ngotot” pakai iklan baris, sebaiknya gunakan deh software iklan baris, yang akan memasang iklan kita ke lebih dari 1100 situs iklan baris. Harganya sekitar 30 ribu rupiah. Saya suka pakai software autosubmit ini.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia