Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Bunga Mawar dan Cara Perawatannya

Mawar yang cantik merupakan tanaman semak dari jenis Rosa. Nama Rose atau mawar juga diambil dari sana. Bunga ini terdiri dai 100 species yang banyak tumbuh di daerah sejuk. Umumnya mawar memiliki duri dan tumbuh memanjat, tingginya dapat mencapai 2 – 5 meter.

Memiliki batang berduri yang berbentuk seperti pengait. Fungsinya sebagai pegangan ketika merambat atau memanjat pada tumbuhan lain. Ada juga beberapa spesies mawar mempunyai duri yang lurus dan tajam seperti jarum, tetapi ada juga durinya lunak.

Sebetulnya, Mawar bukanlah tanaman tropis. Mawar berasal dari dataran Cina, Timur Tengah dan Eropa Timur. Tetapi dalam perkembangannya, menyebar luas di daerah-daerah beriklim dingin (sub-tropis) dan panas (tropis).

Beberapa spesies bunga mawar dapat menghasilkan buah rose hips, diantaranya seperti species Canina Roses dan Rugosa Roses. Rose hips adalah buah agregat yang dihasilkan oleh bunga, biasanya berkembang dari bunga yang memiliki banyak putik. Buah rose hips ini merupakan sumber vitamin C alami.

Jenis Mawar

Jika dilihat dari bentuk dan sifat pertumbuhannya mawar dapat dikategorikan dalam 4 kelompok. Diantaranya, mawar semak, mawar kerdil, mawar pohon dan mawar liana.

Mawar semak (Shrub Roses) biasanya ditanam sebagai pagar sedangkan Mawar Kerdil (Baby Roses) biasanya ditanam dalam pot. Sedangkan Mawar liana tumbuh secara merambat.

Jadi bunga mawar ini dapat digunakan untuk tanaman hias kebun atau taman (outdoor) juga untuk tanaman hias pot (outdoor and indoor).

Cara Menanam Mawar

Tidak ada perawatan khusus untuk menanam Bunga Mawar. Anda hanya memerlukan media tanam berupa tanah yang berhumus serta drainase yang baik. Sekedar tips, pilihlah lokasi tanam yang memiliki sinar matahari cukup dan jangan menggunakan media tanam yang terlalu gembur atau berpasir. Ini semua agar mawar tumbuh subur dan kerap berbunga.

Anda dapat memperbanyak tanaman ini dengan setek, okulasi, cangkok dan biji. Jangan lupa lakukan pemangkasan secara berperiode serta berilah pupuk perangsang bunga dengan teratur sehingga mawar rajin berbunga. Untuk pemangkasan sebaiknya dilakukan pada musim hujan agar tunas segera tumbuh dan kuntum bunga baru akan bermunculan.

Sedangkan untuk menanam Mawar dalam pot, maka Anda harus memperhatikan media tanam yang digunakan. Anda dapat menggunakan perbandingan 1:1:1/4 untuk tanah, pupuk dan pasir. Agar Mawar terbebas dari penyakit, Anda dapat kukus terlebih dahulu media tanam yang hendak digunakan. Kemudian pilih pot, akan lebih baik pot berbahan tanah liat. Letakkan batu-batu kecil atau potongan batu bata di dasar pot agar air dapat meresap keluar. Rajinlah untuk memotong akar tanaman dang anti media tanam setiap 1-2 tahun sekali agar tanaman tumbuh subur.

Manfaat Mawar

* Sebagai tanaman hias, baik tanaman hias di taman ataupun pot.

* Sebagai Bunga potong. Contoh : kelompok mawar Holland (Rosa indica fragrans hybrids) atau mawar Hybrid Tea, kelompok mawar Floribunda, dan kelompok mawar Grandiflora.

* Sebagai Bunga tabur. Hampir semua jenis mawar dapat digunakan sebagai bunga tabur.

* Sebagai bahan baku Parfum. biasanya digunakan mawar jenis mawar teh (Tea Roses)

* Sebagai bahan baku obat. Hampir semua jenis mawar yang mengandung zat antibiotika bisa digunakan.

* Sebagai bahan makanan dan minuman.


Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

Perbanyak Tanaman Mawar

Cara membudidayakan atau memperbanyak tanaman mawar ini cukup banyak antara lain melalui biji, setek, okulasi, cangkokan dan membelah anakan. Namun untuk lebih praktis sebaiknya digunakan cara setek. Cara ini dianggap ampuh karena dapat membuat bunga mawar menjadi tumbuh banyak.

Namun bisa juga dengan melakukan pembibitan. Supaya tumbuh dengan baik. Pilih biji bibit yang bagus (jika ditaruh di air maka akan tenggelam). Selanjutnya dengan melakukan penyiapan benih dengan memilih buah mawar yang produktif berbunga atau sudah unggul dan sudah matang kemudian dipetik. Siapkan lahan berupa tanah yang berhumus dan juga berpasir dengan perbandingan 1:1. Lalu masukkan biji mawar tadi ke dalam tanah tersebut dan disiram dengan air bersih hingga cukup lembab. Kemudian tanamkan buah mawar kedalam tanah tersebut hingga terkubur. Biarkan buah mawar membusuk pada kondisi media yang lembab. Waktu yang diperlukan berkisar antara 2 hingga 9 bulan.

Setelah kurun waktu pembusukan buah mawar selesai, angkat biji-biji mawar dari buah yang telah membusuk dan jangan lupa pilih biji mawar yang paling baik, yaitu jika ditaruh di air maka ia akan tenggelam. Kemudian cuci biji mawar dengan air lalu dikeringkan di tempat teduh. Semaikan biji mawar secara merata menurut barisan pada jarak antar-baris 5- 10 cm di dalam bak atau baskom. Biji akan berkecambah pada saat empat minggu setelah disemaikan.

Pemeliharaan pembibitan dilakukan dengan menyiram tempat penyemaian secara rutin satu hingga dua kali dalam sehari. Lalu masukkan bibit mawar yang sudah cukup besar ke dalam polybag kecil yang telah diisi dengan campuran tanah, pasir, dan pupuk organik. Kemudian lakukan pemindahan bibit dengan cara memindahkan tanam bibit mawar yang telah berumur 22 bulan ke lahan berupa tanah di kebun atau tempat yang diajdikan sebagai tempat penanaman tetap atau permanen, seperti misalnya pot.

Tahap selanjutnya yaitu dengan melakukan tahapan penanaman bunga mawar seperti yang telah dijelaskan di atas yaitu dengan menggunakan tanah yang subur dan gembur serta mendapat sinar matahari agar memperkuat tanaman mawar tersebut, baik untuk yang ditanam di kebun maupun di pot. Jangan lupa memberikan pupuk kandang atau pupuk buatan yang memang khusus disediakan untuk penanaman bunga mawar. Pemberian pupuk dilakukan dengan cara disebar hingga merata dengan tanah agar terserap hingga ke akarnya.

Untuk penanaman di kebun jangan lupa membuat bedengan dengan ukuran lebar 100-120 cm, tinggi 30 cm, jarak antar bedengan 30-40 cm, dan panjangnya tergantung keadaan lahan. Kita juga bisa membuat bentuk taman mawar sesuai dengan selera kita yang tentunya serasi dengan pekarangan sekitar agar terlihat lebih indah.


Bunga Lotus Membuat Mata Nyaman

Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera) lebih dikenal atau sering disamakan orang dengan teratai (nymphaea). Jika dipandang sepintas mata, memang agak sulit membedakan tananam lotus dengan teratai, karena lotus dan teratai memang masih satu keluarga sehingga terlihat sangat mirip.

Perbedaan yang mendasar adalah pola tumbuhnya. Lotus tumbuh ke atas, sedangkan teratai tumbuh mendatar-melebar. Warna bunga lotus hanya terbatas, misalnya kuning, putih, dan pink, sementara bunga teratai lebih beragam. Dalam klasifikasi tanaman, lotus termasuk genus Nelumbo, sedangkan teratai termasuk genus Nymphaeae.

Bunga lotus yang selama ini beredar di pasaran memiliki kelopak yang besar dan tunggal (tidak bersusun). Kini, muncul jenis baru, yakni lotus yang memiliki kelopak ganda (susun), yang membentuk ‘topping’, seperti halnya bunga matahari. Selain di rawa atau di kolam hias, cara menanamnya juga bisa di dalam wadah-wadah air bermulut lebar (tempayan).

Pesona bunga lotus saat sedang mekar penuh, memberikan keindahan yang begitu mengagumkan sehingga lotus disukai banyak orang sebagai tanaman hias, yang ditanam di air dan lumpur.

Bunga ini mempunyai tiga daya tarik, yang terletak di bagian :

1. Bunga

Bunganya yang tumbuh menjulang di atai tangkai, berbentuk lonjong dengan ujung yang semakin meruncing. Saat belum mekar, bunga ini tampak mirip dengan mangkok sup. Setelah mekar, kelopak bunganya merebak, namun sebagian masih menghadap ke atas. Jangka waktu bunga ini mekar yaitu hanya sekitar 3-4 hari. Warna bunga dikaitkan dengan negeri asalnya. Contohnya lotus kuning berasal dari Amerika, putih dari India, dan pink dari Cina.

2. Daun

Bentuk daun lotus ini bulat lebar, dengan bagian tepi bergelombang. Dari jauh, daun-daun lotus terlihat seperti jajaran payung yang sedang mengembang. Warna daun bagian atas hijau keabu-abuan, sisi bawahnya berwarna lebih muda. Permukaan daun terasa licin dan kenyal karena diselimuti lapisan lilin.

3. Tangkai

Pada bagian tangkainya juga tidak kalah menarik dengan bagian lainnya, karena tangkai lotus menjulang tinggi sampai 180 cm, sementara tangkau daunnya mencapai 100 cm lebih. Tangkai ini sangat lentur tapi kuat dan tidak gampang patah digoyang angin.


Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

Variasi Tanaman Hias Bunga

Bagi Anda yang tidak begitu menyukai tanaman hias daun, masih ada tanaman hias bunga. Tanaman hias ini, selain daunnya memberi daya tarik tersendiri, bunganya juga amat memikat, misalnya Begonia semperflorens yang merupakan salah satu jenis Begonia bunga. Ia tetap mungil dan berbunga setiap saat sepanjang tahun.

Tanaman yang daunnya bulat, hijau mengkilat ini, memiliki bunga bervariasi, dari putih sampai ke merah merona. Jenis tanaman ini menghendaki udara lembab (biasanya pot dibungkus dengan mos basah), akan tetapi daun-daunnya tidak boleh kena air.

Jenis tanaman hias bunga lainnya yang cantik adalah Saintpaulia ionantha yang juga dikenal dengan African violets dan violltjes. Tanaman yang mungil dengan daun agak berbulu ini biasanya memberi bunga yang indah. Warna bunganya biasanya biru, merah jambu keputih-putihan, atau merah lembayung.

Tanaman ini amat suka ditanam di lingkungan yang lembab dan udara yang tenang tidak berangin. Mungkin karena sifatnya yang agak manja, tanaman ini juga tidak tahan terhadap cahaya matahari langsung, kekeringan, asap rokok dan perubahan suhu yang terlalu sering. Bila menyiram tanaman ini, harus menggunakan air suam-suam kuku, dan usahakan agar tidak sampai memerciki daunnya.


Menanam Mawar, Perlu Teknik Penanaman Tepat

Tidak ada perawatan khusus untuk menanam bunga Mawar. Anda hanya memerlukan media tanam berupa tanah yang berhumus serta drainase yang baik. Sekedar tips, pilihlah lokasi tanam yang memiliki sinar matahari cukup dan jangan menggunakan media tanam yang terlalu gembur atau berpasir. Ini semua agar mawar tumbuh subur dan kerap berbunga.

Anda dapat memperbanyak tanaman ini dengan setek, okulasi, cangkok dan biji. Jangan lupa lakukan pemangkasan secara berperiode serta berilah pupuk perangsang bunga dengan teratur sehingga mawar rajin berbunga. Untuk pemangkasan sebaiknya dilakukan pada musim hujan agar tunas segera tumbuh dan kuntum bunga baru akan bermunculan.

Sedangkan untuk menanam Mawar dalam pot, maka Anda harus memperhatikan media tanam yang digunakan. Anda dapat menggunakan perbandingan 1:1:1/4 untuk tanah, pupuk dan pasir. Agar Mawar terbebas dari penyakit, Anda dapat kukus terlebih dahulu media tanam yang hendak digunakan. Kemudian pilih pot, akan lebih baik pot berbahan tanah liat. Letakkan batu-batu kecil atau potongan batu bata di dasar pot agar air dapat meresap keluar. Rajinlah untuk memotong akar tanaman dang anti media tanam setiap 1-2 tahun sekali agar tanaman tumbuh subur.


Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

Merangkai Bunga Tetap Cantik

* Memilih bunga
Saat membeli bunga, pilihlah yang betul-betul segar. Perhatikan batangnya. Pilih yang batangnya belum lemas dan masih sedikit menguncup. Bunga seperti ini bisa lebih lama dipajang sebagai penghias ruangan. Jika membeli bunga yang sudah mekar, Anda hanya akan bisa menikmatinya sebentar karena bunga lekas layu.

* Menyiapkan bunga

Sebelum diletakkan di vas cantik, rapikan bunga. Jika masih terdapat daun, buang daunnya. Sebab daun yang masih menempel bisa membuat bunga cepat layu. Potong batang bunga dengan posisi miring. Dengan begitu, batang bunga bisa menyerap air lebih banyak. Setiap merangkai bunga, ukur batang bunga segar atau daun sehingga tahu seberapa panjang batang yang akan dipotong. Potong batang bunga secara menyerong agar gampang ditusukkan ke oasis layaknya florist decoration profesional.

* Meletakkan bunga
Siapkan vas bunga yang akan dipakai untuk merangkai bunga. Bersihkan dari kotoran agar bunga lebih awet. Lalu masukkan bunga. Pastikan tiap batang bunga bisa leluasa menyerap air. Anda bisa saja menggunakan busa oasis agar bunga segar atau daun lebih awet. Sesuaikan ukuran oasis dengan vas yang akan digunakan. Jika perlu, potong oasis sesuai bentuk vas. Sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam vas, rendam dahulu oasis hingga penuh terisi air. Selalu periksa supaya oasis tidak kering sehingga pasokan air untuk bunga terjaga. Setelah rangkaian bunga siap, Anda bisa meletakkannya di beberapa sudut ruang sebagai pemanis interior seperti florist decoration terbaik.

Untuk memudahkan dalam merangkai bunga, jangan lupa untuk :

* Jangan meletakkan rangkaian bunga di tempat yang terkena cahaya matahari langsung. Hal itu akan membuat bunga lekas layu.

* Jika kelopak bunga berjatuhan ke dalam air, segera bersihkan. Kelopak yang terendam air akan membusuk dan menimbulkan bakteri di air yang membuat bunga tak segar lagi.

* Rajin-rajinlah mengganti air dalam wadah bunga setiap hari. Saat mengganti air, Anda juga harus memotong batang bunga yang sudah mulai membusuk.


Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Valentine’s Day Presents for a Boyfriend or Husband

One can be a little more mushy with a longer term boyfriend or husband. Pick a valentine gift to go with his personality, be it sweet and sensitive, fun and corny, or hopelessly romantic.

* The classic giant heart-shaped box of chocolates (skip the ones with lace, though)

* For a boyfriend or husband, gather up a stack of milk chocolate bars, a big bag of marshmallows, and a box of graham crackers, with a couple marshmallow roasting sticks. Make a card to add that says “Every Day I Love You S’More!”

* Cut out 100 hearts of various colors of paper. Stick them up all over his room, office, car, or garage door. Write conversation heart sayings on some of them (like “Be Mine, Luv U, My Guy, and so on.)

* For a sensitive boyfriend,
valentine gift like a single red rose will touch his heart (chocolate roses are fun too).

* For a man with a hobby, empty a big heart-shaped chocolate box and fill it with things he’ll love, like DVDs, fishing gear, guitar strings and picks, a journal, computer supplies, art supplies, and more. Add a few chocolates too.

* Fill his wallet with confetti hearts and hide love notes in his pockets, car, books, or cabinets.


Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas: Guy Gear

Chocolates are a great noncommittal gift. Get her a box that emits class, not something from the drugstore, and get her a variety box if you don't know whether she's a caramel girl or more into truffles.

Relationship level: Not yet committed

Dog treats

When you've first met a girl, you're unlikely to know her likes, dislikes and diet restrictions. You always, however, know what kind of treats her dog (or any other pet she may have) will appreciate. Buying a valentine gift that's healthy for her pet shows you're sensitive to her beloved buddy's well-being.

Relationship level: Not yet committed

While a bouquet of red roses as valentine gift may be a bit overzealous for a first date, other flowers may send your message perfectly. Do some research and choose carefully; gardenias denote secret love, orchids are always lovely, showing beauty and refinement, while yellow roses mean friendship. Just be sure to order your flowers early because Valentine’s Day can be a busy time for this industry.

Relationship level: Works for all levels

Heart-shaped pendant
Pendants were practically designed for giving to new girlfriends: They’re sweet (but not too serious), pretty (but not distractingly eye-catching) and tailor-made to make her swoon on a daily basis.

Relationship level: New romance

Hand-dipped strawberries
Strawberries in chocolate are a trademark seduction treat; they wonderfully mix the romantic with sexual fantasy, without being as obvious as lingerie. Buy these pretty, tasty treats, and prepare to nestle down and share. Or better yet -- make them yourself.

Relationship level: New romance

Bed & breakfast getaway
Bed & breakfasts offer a unique mix of comfort and luxury. Moreover, plenty of B&Bs offer treats like wine tours and nature walks. If you’re looking to underscore the romance in a new relationship, a getaway is the way to do it -- and you will definitely sweep a new romantic partner off her feet with a local romantic trip.

Relationship level: New romance


Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Biaya Pengiriman Barang ke Eropa Murah daripada Papua

Biaya logistik pelabuhan di Indonesia tergolong masih tinggi. Bayangkan saja, biaya kirim barang dari Jakarta ke Eropa ternyata lebih murah ketimbang ke Papua.

Direktur Utama PT Pelindo II Richard Jose Lino menuturkan, jika biaya logistik tidak segera dibenahi, terutama di Jawa, Indonesia akan kehilangan daya saing.

"Biaya logistik dari Jakarta ke Medan bisa sekitar US$400 per TEU's, sama dengan dari sini ke Eropa," kata Lino di sela-sela kunjungan kerja Menteri Perindustrian MS Hidayat di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Pusat, Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010.

Bahkan, biaya logistik dari Jakarta ke Singapura hanya US$70 per TEU's, sedangkan biaya dari Jakarta ke Papua bisa mencapai US$1.400 per TEU's. "Kalau tidak segera dibenahi biaya logistik antar pulau, lebih baik datangkan dari China saja," ujar Lino.

Ketidakmampuan pelabuhan di Indonesia menghadapi pasar bebas juga terlihat dari waktu tunggu (waiting time) kontainer yang cukup lama. Apalagi kalau untuk pengiriman
same day delivery, sepertinya sangat susah.

Lino mengakui, pelabuhan Tanjung Priok relatif lebih siap menghadapi perjanjian perdagangan bebas (FTA) Asean-China. Waktu tunggu di Priok hanya dalam kisaran tiga jam, sementara di Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak Surabaya misalnya bisa mencapai tujuh hari.

Tingkat biaya pelabuhan yang masih tinggi juga ditunjang dengan masih dimonopolinya jasa Tenaga Kerja Bongkar Muat (TKBM) oleh satu koperasi. Lino menjelaskan, biaya bongkar muat di Papua bisa mencapai Rp 1 juta per orang.

Menanggapi hal tersebut, Menteri Perindustrian MS Hidayat mengaku akan membawa pekerjaan rumah tersebut ke rapat kabinet menteri ekonomi dalam waktu dekat ini. "Masalahnya, hingga saat ini masih banyak biaya liar di luar jasa pelabuhan. Biasanya, di setiap pelabuhan ada oknum-oknum," kata dia.

Masih tingginya biaya logistik Indonesia, menurut Hidayat, akan mengganjal kesiapan industri menghadapi perdagangan bebas Asean-China. "Mempersiapkan fasilitas pelabuhan merupakan upaya trade defense, selain negosiasi pos tarif," ujarnya.

Selain pembenahan pelabuhan, dia mengakui, pekan depan akan menemui kalangan perbankan untuk membicarakan biaya bunga yang masih tinggi.

Sementara itu, untuk meningkatkan kesiapan pelabuhan Tanjung Priok menghadapi FTA Asean-China, Pelindo II akan menambah investasi untuk mendatangkan crane di dermaga.

Rencananya, tahun depan akan ada peresmian tambahan investasi 13 crane yang akan didatangkan pada triwulan ketiga tahun ini. "Penambahan investasi crane di dermaga mendukung target kami untuk zero waiting time di tahun 2011," kata Lino. Dan semakin cepat akan semakin baik apalagi kalau
same day delivery.

Gencarnya investasi dan perbaikan, baik sistem maupun fasilitas di Priok, menurut Hidayat, perlu ditiru oleh pelabuhan di kota lainnya. "Kalau sistem di Priok juga diadopsi pelabuhan lain, kita akan lebih siap menghadapi FTA Asean-China," kata Hidayat.


Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Menjamurnya Jasa Pengiriman Ekspres

Jasa pengiriman ekspres liar pada 2010 di Jawa Timur semakin merajalela. Saat ini, jasa pengiriman ekspres liar diperkirakan mencapai 200 perusahaan. Jumlah ini akan terus meningkat seiring dengan semakin prospeknya jasa pengiriman ekspres. Memang sekarang orang banyak juga yang ingin pengiriman cepat, misalnya parcel imlek dan sebagainya.

Ketua Asosiasi Perusahaan Jasa Titipan Ekspres Indonesia (Asperindo) Jatim, Ganis Sindu menyatakan keberadaan jasa pengiriman ekspres liar sangat mengganggu karena harga yang ditawarkan konsumen tidak sesuai dengan harga resmi yang dikeluarkan pemerintah.

"Yang saya ketahui mereka yang liar mematok harga pengiriman per kilonya Rp 5.000 padahal yang resmi Rp 15 ribu per kilonya," katanya saat dikonfirmasi beritajatim.com. Momen hari besar menjadi saat yang ramai bagi orang mengirimkan barang/parcel, salah satunya adalah
imlek parcel.

Menurut Ganis Sindu, dengan main harga yang tidak sesuai menyebabkan sebagian besar perusahaan jasa titipan ekspres dirugikan. Karena itu, pihaknya sangat berharap pemerintah melalui Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika membuat aturan tegas terkait maraknya perusahaan jasa ekspres liar.
"Sekarang ini kan belum ada aturannya sehingga jumlah perusahaan titipan ekspres liar dari tahun ke tahun semakin bertambah," paparnya.

Maraknya jasa pengiriman ekspres liar kata Ganis Sindu, tidak lepas dari faktor biaya. Mengingat sebagian besar konsumen umumnya lebih memilih tarif yang murah ketimbang yang mahal.

"Rata-rata jasa pengiriman ekspres liar memberi harga murah sehingga konsumen beralih kendati jaminan keamanannya terhadap barang kurang bisa dipertanggungjawabkan," ungkapnya.

Meski saat ini jasa pengiriman jasa ekspres liar merajalela, pihaknya tetap berupaya untuk menaikkan permintaan. Salah satunya dengan memberikan diskon bagi konsumen yang loyal. "Biar bagaimanapun usaha harus tetap jalan, makanya kami menawarkan promo," pungkasnya.

Diakui Ganis Sindu, jika jasa pengiriman ekspres liar dibiarkan dikhawatirkan berdampak pada permintaan order di jasa pengiriman ekspres yang resmi. Pasalnya, pada tahun lalu permintaan order pengiriman barang sempat turun 10 persen akibat krisis dan ditambah maraknya jasa pengiriman ekspres liar.


Jasa Kiriman Fokus Optimalkan Loyal Customer

Menjamurnya perusahaan jasa kiriman ekspres ilegal akhir-akhir ini tidak membuat jasa kiriman menengah ke bawah menyerah di tengah jalan.

Sebagai antisipasinya, perusahaan jasa kiriman ekspres ini fokus mengoptimalkan loyal customer sebagai andalannya agar bisa bersaing. Dan beberapa perusahaan mulai merancang
same day delivery, karena banyak pelanggan yang ingin kirimannya cepat sampai.

Kepala Cabang Priority Cargo Package (PCP) Surabaya salah satu perusahaan jasa kiriman ekspres menengah, Susilo Pranata menyatakan menyikapi hal ini pihaknya perlu meningkatkan pelayanan utamanya di segmen korporasi dan ritel.

"Komposisi antara korporasi dan ritel 70:30," katanya saat dihubungi beritajatim.com.

Paket kiriman korporasi yang dikirima PCP bervariasi mulai dari barang dan dokumen. Sedangkan untuk harganya tergantung dari rute yang dituju. Contohnya, untuk kiriman ke Jakarta per kilonya Rp 12.500 dan paket kiriman ke luar Jawa misalnya Jayapura per kilonya Rp 50 ribu.

Diakui Susilo Pranata dengan fokus ke loyal customer pihaknya tidak khawatir lagi kehilangan customer pasca maraknya jasa kiriman ekpres ilegal dan banyaknya perusahaan asing yang membidik sektor ini.

"Saya yakin porsi kami masih ada kendati marginnya sedikit menurun," ujarnya.

Ia menambahkan, di tahun 2010 pihaknya tetap optimistis jasa kiriman ekspres menengah masih bisa eksis asal mengkedepankan efisiensi dan pintar mencari provider maskapai penerbangan. Kalau bisa
same day delivery, kenapa tidak?

"Kami masih bisa eksis karena mencari harga maskapai penerbangan yang murah meski dengan kondisi paket kirimannya agak lama," tambahnya.

Sementara itu, Fani selaku penanggungjawab Garuda Ekspres Develery (GED) perusahaan jasa kiriman ekspres menengah menuturkan, pihaknya juga fokus membidik segmen korporasi dibanding ritel.

"Kamih sih lebih mengandalkan kepercayaan konsumen agar bisa bersaing," tuturnya.

Untuk harganya, GED mematok per kilo Rp 12.500 tujuan Jakarta dan Rp 25 ribu per kilo ke Makasar dan Rp 57,7 ribu per kilo ke Jayapura. "Saya yakin harga ini masih terjangkau di tengah-tengah maraknya jasa kiriman ekspres ilegal," ungkapnya.


Flowers And Roses Tips

can turn out to be really painful for you guys. Which roses to buy? How many roses to buy? Which color of roses to buy? When to give the rose? So many questions. No need to stress out as we will make your task an easy one.

Which color of roses to buy?
Her favorite color is white and you were innocently thinking to get her some white roses. So sweet and so cute of you. However, it is st valentine and women want red roses. No matter what even if it is the end of the world get her the damn red rose. You can always give her the white roses for another occasion. It cannot be so hard to understand that st valentine equals to red roses. Problem of rose color is solved. In brief, on st valentine day, her color preference is not a factor to consider when it is about valentine flowers.
How many roses are you going to buy?
For god sake no need to send her a garden of roses or two to three bouquet of roses. What is she going to do with so many roses? Open a flower shop?! Be simple and choose only one rose with care. Of course it should be a red one.
To personalize your rose you can do something more original. What about writing i love you on the rose petal? This is a delicate job indeed. You can also write i love you on the leaf or even pin mark it on the stem. Many macho reading this post must be thinking about how lame this can be. Have you ever made an effort to try it?Now concerning couple in a long term relationship. It would be better to give her an equivalent number of roses based on the number of years you are together. One year relation equals to one rose etc and you can even maintain it as a tradition.
When to give her the rose?
Anytime is the right time to give women valentine flowers. Want to include a magical touch with the whole scene? How about knocking at her door at midnight with a rose in hand? She’ll love it.
Let us make a quick recap. No matter what, give her the red rose, no need to give her a garden of roses and personalize your rose so that its is not ‘just another rose’.


History of Valentine's Day

The history of Valentine’s Day, legend says, originated during the third century in Rome. During this time, Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers, so he outlawed marriage for young men. A young priest named Valentine was furious with this injustice and defied Claudius by continuing to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. Claudius eventually discovered Valentine’s actions and sentenced him to death (not quite the fate of those who fail to buy their significant others flowers on Valentine’s Day, but clearly a lesson to be learned from history!).

During his time in jail, Valentine fell in love with his jailer’s daughter, who visited him in prison. Before he was put to death, Valentine sent a letter to the girl and signed it, “From Your Valentine” — an expression we still use today. Valentine was executed on February 14, 270 AD. Later, around 496 AD, Pope Gelasius declared Feb. 14 a day to honor Valentine, who by that time had become a saint.

Today, we continue to honor St. Valentine and recall the history of Valentine’s Day each year on February 14 by celebrating our love for significant others, friends, and family. For thousands of years, the middle of February
has been a time for fertility festival celebrations, so it is no wonder Valentine flower are often the Valentine’s Day gift of choice around this time of year. For centuries, flowers have symbolized fertility, love, marriage, and romance.

The history of giving your loved one Valentine's Day flowers comes from the old-fashioned custom of sending floral bouquets to pass on non-verbal messages. Introduced in the 18th century by Charles II of Sweden, each flower had a specific meaning attached to it, making it possible to have an entire conversation using only flowers. Today, people continue to send flowers on special occasions or to express sentiments of love and admiration.

In addition to flowers, other contemporary symbols of Valentine’s Day include chocolates, candy hearts, and cards. According to the U.S. Greeting Card Association, approximately one billion Valentine’s Day cards are sent each year worldwide, making it the second largest card-sending holiday.

Valentine’s Day is also one of the biggest holidays to send flowers that means
valentine flower. The rose is the traditional Valentine’s Day flower, as it signifies romantic love, but there are many other flowers that people send to communicate the different types of love they feel for those important people in their lives.


Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

Valentine Flowers And Roses Tips

St valentine is not going to be st valentine without flowers and most precisely valentine roses. Seriously you will not meet your woman without a rose in hand? This is called suicide. Why are women crazy about roses? In anyway they are going to fade within days.
If you manage to get the answer about why women are crazy about roses and flowers then be sure that you are going to be the next love guru (0r so-called). In the meantime roses are roses and it is a fact that women love roses. It is as simple as one plus one equals to two. No need to try harder to understand.
Choosing the perfect rose for st valentine can turn out to be really painful for you guys. Which roses to buy? How many roses to buy? Which color of roses to buy? When to give the rose? So many questions. No need to stress out as we will make your task an easy one.

Which color of roses to buy?
Her favorite color is white and you were innocently thinking to get her some white roses. So sweet and so cute of you. However, it is st valentine and women want red roses. No matter what even if it is the end of the world get her the damn red rose. You can always give her the white or red roses for another occasion. It cannot be so hard to understand thatst valentine equals to red roses. Problem of rose color is solved. In brief, on st valentine day, her color preference is not a factor to consider when it is about red roses.
How many roses are you going to buy?
For god sake no need to send her a garden of roses or two to three bouquet of roses. What is she going to do with so many roses? Open a flower shop?! Be simple and choose only one rose with care. Of course it should be a red one.
To personalize your rose you can do something more original. What about writing i love you on the rose petal? This is a delicate job indeed. You can also write i love you on the leaf or even pin mark it on the stem. Many macho reading this post must be thinking about how lame this can be. Have you ever made an effort to try it?
Now concerning couple in a long term relationship. It would be better to give her an equivalent number of roses based on the number of years you are together. One year relation equals to one rose etc and you can even maintain it as a tradition.

When to give her the rose?

Anytime is the right time to give women roses. Want to include a magical touch with the whole scene? How about knocking at her door at midnight with a rose in hand? She’ll love it.

Let us make a quick recap. No matter what, give her the red rose, no need to give her a garden of roses and personalize your rose so that its is not ‘just another rose’.


Rose Colors & Meanings

Our Rose Colors and Meanings guide contains helpful hints about the meaning associated with the colors of roses and other rose information. As one of the most enduring symbols for love and appreciation, it's no surprise that roses are among the most admired and evocative of flowers. Our comprehensive guide to the colors and meanings of roses is your resource for rose interpretation.

Red Roses
Red roses are the traditional symbol for love and romance, and a time-honored way to say "I love you." The red roses has long symbolized beauty and perfection. A bouquet of red roses is the perfect way to express your deep feelings for someone special.

Pink Roses
As a symbol of grace and elegance, the pink rose is often given as an expression of admiration. Pink roses can also convey appreciation as well as joyfulness. Pink rose bouquets often impart a gentler meaning than their red counterparts.

Yellow Roses
The bright, sunny color of yellow roses evokes a feeling of warmth and happiness. The warm feelings associated with the yellow rose are often akin to those shared with a true friend. As such, the yellow rose is an ideal symbol for joy and friendship.

White Roses
White roses represent innocence and purity and are traditionally associated with marriages and new beginnings. The white rose is also a symbol of honor and reverence, and white rose arrangements are often used as an expression of remembrance.

Orange Roses
With their blazing energy, orange roses are the embodiment of desire and enthusiasm. Orange roses often symbolize passion and excitement and are an expression of fervent romance. A bouquet of orange roses will send a meaningful message.

Lavender Roses
The unique beauty of the lavender rose has captured many hearts and imaginations. With their fantastical appearance, lavender roses are a perfect symbol of enchantment. The lavender rose is also traditionally used to express feelings of love at first sight.


Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Tips For Giving Flowers For Valentine's Day

Flowers are defiantly one of the most popular presents for a man to give to a woman on Valentine's Day. In reality the flowers are so popular that in most cases men give flowers together with some other gift as an addition instead of giving flowers as a gift. But the problem lies not with giving the flowers but in choosing the flowers, allot of man quite often make the mistake of thinking that red roses are the only choice of flowers to give to their loved one on Valentine's Day and this is absolutely not true. Not only there are other flowers which are totally appropriate for Valentine's Day but there are also a few different ways on how give flowers and flower related gifts. Here I will show a few different ways on how to give pick and give flowers on Valentine's Day.

Roses are usually quite expensive on Valentine's Day as the price for them gets jacked up on that day because of the high demand for them and people prepared to pay the price. So the solution is if you decide to stick to the roses you can buy those few days in advance otherwise you need to remember that roses are not the only flower out there which you can give as a gift. Think about your partner and what she likes if you know her then you probably know her favorite flower so go and buy them just think how surprised she will be when she would be expecting to get roses as everyone else and suddenly she gets her favorite flowers. This will show your partner that you care and you listen to her and also will save you some money and effort.

Another option you may want to consider is giving potted plants as a flower gift for Valentine's Day. The reason behind it, is that these flowers last much longer then fresh flowers and can be as beautiful as fresh once, so you partner can enjoy the beauty of the gift for much longer. Another advantage of such gift is that you have quite a wide chose of plans and also they do not costs as much as some fresh flowers. One thing you should keep in mind when buying potted plant you should select a plat which is easy to care for so your loved one will not have hard time caring for the plant.

Another option you may want to consider is artificial flowers. It may not seem like a romantic gift but some artificial flowers are made so well that they look really lifelike and some ladies actually will prefer artificial flowers instead of real once. The reasons for it are that artificial flowers require no maintenance to keep their appearance they also last for much longer then the real once and they do not result in any rubbish like fallen petals or leaves. Another idea you may want to consider as a way of a flower gift on Valentine's Day is to give your partner flower seeds which they can plant in a pot or in their backyard. The reason why this idea may work quite well is because it can be quite fun activity for you and your partner to do together. This generally will work with people who have some sort of interests in gardening. This sort of thing will also make the gift a bit more special and also will allow you and your partner to spend some quality time together.

As the final thought make sure you always think about your partner when choosing a gift for them. Put some thought into it, do some research, notice what your partner like and dislikes and doing this will help you to pick the right gift and make your partner feel special.


Why Red Roses Used to Symbolise Love?

A rose is a perennial flower, shrub or vine of genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae, that contains over 100 species and comes in a variety of colours. These flowers are found in most parts of the world and are usually grown for their beauty and fragrance.

What is Meant When People Give or Receive Roses

Red roses have been used for centuries around the world as a symbol of love and romance. Men or women often give red roses to their partners or to someone they are interested in, to let them know in a way other than words, what their feelings are. Some traditions say one rose stands for “I love you, and only you”, eleven roses stand for “I am fond of you, you are special”, a dozen roses say "Be my steady", ninety nine roses mean “I will love you forever” and a hundred means “Will you marry me?". People have differing opinions about what different number of roses stand for, but every meaning of any number of red roses is somehow connected to love.

The Relationship Between the Red Rose and Love

The Rose is a beautiful, captivating, sweet smelling flower with tender petals. The rose flower also grows from a thorny stem. Most people agree that love is a single coin with two sides, the one side being a beautiful, sweet and tender emotion while the other side can be bitter and very painful. This analogy can explain why a rose is used to symbolise love.

But why red?

It is intriguing that of all the diverse colours (maroon, red, yellow, pink, peach, white, lavender etc), that
roses come in, the red rose is the colour that is accepted universally as a love symbol.

Red vs Love

Red is a very hot, vibrant and commanding colour. It draws attention – Love is an emotion that comes in and takes control. It craves attention

Red is the colour of blood, the colour of life – They say love makes the world go round. It is the source of life

Scientists say the colour red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing – Love can sometimes make the heart beat faster and the breathing uneven.

Colour therapists say red is a colour for passion, a colour for pain – Romantic love is definitely a thing of passion and a thing of pain.

The popular country singer Don Williams starts his song “Then it’s Love” with the words,

“Some people say that love is a rose

Maybe they've hit it right on the nose”
Yes, maybe they’ve hit it right on the nose indeed: when it’s a red rose.A Lesson From the Red Rose

There is a lesson to be learnt from the red
roses after all. A red rose is a beautiful flower that stands at the head of a thorny stem. Though the stem has thorns, it still has the ability to hold something as beautiful as the rose flower, and the red rose shines brightly despite these thorns.

Yes, every true love will have its share of tears, but like a bright red rose that stands radiant above the thorns, the beauty of love should always shine the tears to oblivion.


Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Valentine's Day Flowers

It is the most romantic day of the year and as expected you receive a gorgeous bouquet of flowers from your beau. You want the magic of the evening to last forever so naturally your thoughts turn to keeping your valentines flowers alive and beautiful for as long as you possibly can. Here are a few tips to help extend the life of your flowers past valentine's day.
When you receive the flowers for valentine's day, first lavish praise all over the giver to show your appreciation for the beautiful gesture. Next, take the flowers out of their packaging and carefully cut the ends of the stems at an angle about three cm high. After a few days, you will need to cut the stems again, this time at two cm high.
Make sure the vase you use is clean. This will ensure that no bacteria are hiding in the vase which can destroy your flowers. Always use clean water and trim off any leaves that may become submerged under the water. Left in water, those leaves will rot causing the growth of bacteria that will make your flowers wilt and die sooner than need be.
Water is very important to the health of your flowers. To maximize the lifespan of your flowers after valentine's day, be sure to add water to the vase everyday and change the water whenever it gets cloudy or murky. You can add a few drops of bleach to the water to prevent the growth of bacteria and algae which is harmful to your flowers.
Keep your flowers away from heat sources including heaters, computers, televisions, and appliances that give off heat--like ovens. Heat will cause the flowers to lose water quickly which will make them wilt at a faster rate. To make sure your flowers from valentine's day last a long time, keep them in a cool area.
Your flowers do get hungry, so be sure to feed them the plant food provided to you by the florist. Add it to the water when you first put the flowers in them. Flowers will "eat" up to half of the food they need to survive over their lifetime that first day.
It is best to get valentines flowers at valentine's day that are still in the bud stage. You will enjoy watching the buds open, and flowers picked in this stage last longer. So if your beau did not give you flowers in the bud stage this time, make a gentle suggestion for next time. Avoid putting your flowers near fruit. Fruit gives off ethylene gas as it ripens which will make your flowers wilt at a faster rate.
The best way to ensure flowers live long after valentine's day is to take good care of them. It will be well worth the effort, however, when you are able to enjoy the beauty of your special night with your sweetheart for weeks to come


Same Day Flower Delivery

So, you've let your wife's birthday slip your mind. This is an incredible feat considering she has been dropping not-so-subtle hints for the past 2 weeks. After you have smacked yourself, you begin to devise a plan. A surprise dinner at her favorite restaurant will certainly show her your romantic side, but you need something else. The tried-and-true gift of flowers will certainly do the trick. It is no surprise that men find giving flowers as a gift to be a safe and sure way to please their mates. Ordering is usually simple and show sincere admiration and appreciation.
If you are working on a short time frame then same day delivery might be a good option for you. Yes, you could stop by the florist on your way home and get a bouquet, however many people enjoy the surprise of an unexpected delivery of fresh cut flowers. Most also enjoy the envying look of coworkers as they parade through the office carrying their colorful and aromatic bouquet.
Most floral companies offer same day delivery. Usually the best way to order flowers for same day delivery is by contacting florists in your area. You may have to contact several stores before finding the right fit. Some florists may have cut-off times for same day deliver of flowers while others may deliver same day all day. Some established florists who have a busy workload may additionally charge you a processing fee for same day delivery orders. In most cases, however, florists are happy to deliver same day, as they understand that unexpected events happen and are more than willing to accommodate.
Generally speaking, it is not usually wise to order flowers online if you need same day delivery. Some websites offer this service but the majority ask for at least a 3 day notice. If you do find an online florist who will delivery the same day, they may charge a hefty fee. Be sure to read all of the fine print and ask for any hidden or extra charges. You may be in a hurry to place your order but it is very important that you know the terms of service. Also be attentive to what type of flowers, the arrangement, enclosure cards and any accessories that you wish to be included. Your satisfactory experience with any same day flower delivery depends on your knowledge of what you are ordering


How to Choose Valentines Day Flowers

Valentines Day is fastly approaching and for all of you men out there that want to send that special girl flowers for Valentines Day below you can read about the best style of flowers to send your special lady and how to send them.

First, you must decide if your special lady is the arrangement type. If she is you must evaluate how much money you have to spend and what type of flowers she likes the best. Some ladies love roses while others love mixed spring bouquets. Many women have favorite flowers and would love to receive a bouquet of their favorite bloom.

Another way to go with flowers is to send a live flowering plant. Many younger women don't like the idea that their flowers will die in just a week. They love the idea that after displaying their plant for a week they can then plant them in a window box or garden. In this way the flowers can keep providing memories.

In addition, after you have decided that flowers are what you are going to send your special lady, you must choose a florist such as Singapore Florist. Today their are endless possibilities. You can look on the internet for florists in your area, you can find sites on the internet that specialize in sending flowers nationwide at very reasonable prices and get them there in a timely manner. You can always turn to your local yellow pages where you can find a florist and give them a call. A good idea would be to visit your local florist, for example, if you are in Singapore, you can visit Singapore Florist and tell him exactly what you want or choose from something he has already made up.

Lastly, the final decision is where to send the flowers, with so many women working today, many love nothing more than having your gift of love sent to their office where they can show the world how much they are loved. Maybe your gal is the practical type and would rather have them sent to her home so she doesn't have to drag them home on public transportation. Whichever she is think about what she would prefer so you get it right.

source: http://www.ehow.com/how_4717079_choose-valentines-day-flowers.html

Flowers As Great Gifts

Flowers are optimal choice for gifts; whether it is a special occasion for lovers, business events, recognition, awards night, wedding anniversaries, or any kind of gathering, flowers is just what you need to excite the moment. Due to the high demand for flowers, florists are often dedicating so much of their time and effort to produce and distribute these products. During spring time, nurseries and greenhouses control multitude quantity of buds that are just anticipating to be relocated on gardens and yards.

Flowers would always be associated with love. It may also stand for your concern or condolences for someone or particular incident such as death of a loved one. A good option for showing affection and appreciation for a beloved individual is to give flowers.

These things are perfect to be given as gift. Giving flowers, for example you can send flower with Singapore florist would make the bond of the giver and recipient to be tighter and stronger. It merges a strange refinement and magnificent aura which constantly unites with any event.

Shopping for flowers online can do you a lot of advantages. Online shopping for flowers gives the searcher the option to see a wide array of selection. Some may provide the meaning for every flower in order for the viewers to know what the appropriate flowers to pick on certain occasions.

Flowers may come in various forms, sizes and shapes. There are so many florist service, ex: Singapore florist, etc. Anyone would want to receive a good smelling flower; therefore you can have the choice to personalize the arrangement of your flowers to be given to your recipients.


Wedding Singapore Florist Care Tips

Flower Florist Care Tips

Most floral arrangements last 4-7 days or longer, depending on the flowers used and the care they receive. The society of singapore florists provides these tips for longer-lasting, more vibrant flowers:

For floral arrangements

  • Keep the vase filled (or floral foam soaked) with water containing a flower food provided by your florist. Flower foods make flowers last longer but it is important to follow the mixing directions on the flower food packet. Most packets are to be mixed with either a pint or a quart of water. Flower foods should not be diluted with more water than is specified on the packet.
  • If the flower food solution becomes cloudy, replace it entirely with properly mixed flower food solution. If possible, re-cut stems by removing one to two inches with a sharp knife. Be sure to use a sharp knife or clippers that will not crush the stems. Immediately place the stems into solution.
  • Keep flowers in a cool spot (65 to 72 degrees fahrenheit), away from direct sunlight, heating or cooling vents, directly under ceiling fans, or on top of televisions or radiators. (appliances like televisions give off heat, which causes flowers to dehydrate.) Most flowers will last longer under cool conditions.

For loose bunches or boxed flowers
  • Keep your flowers in a cool place until you can get them in a flower food solution. Don't forget how important it is to follow the mixing directions on the flower food packet.
  • Fill a clean (washed with a detergent or antibacterial cleaning solution), deep vase with water and add a flower food from your florist.
  • Remove leaves that will be below the waterline. Leaves in water will promote bacterial microbial growth that may limit water uptake by the flower.
  • Re-cut stems by removing one to two inches with a sharp knife. Place the flowers in the vase solution you've prepared.
Selecting flowers
  • When selecting flowers at singapore florist, look for flowers with upright, firm petals and buds beginning to open. Yellow, spotted or drooping leaves are signs of age.
  • When using woody stems and branches (such as quince, forsythia or lilac), cut the stem with sharp pruning shears. Place them in warm water containing fresh flower food to promote flower opening.
