Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Tips On Giving Flowers For Valentine’s Day

Tired of the usual red roses? Try other forms of valentines flowers. Here are some tips on giving flowers during this romantic occasion.
Can you imagine valentine’s day without flowers? Flowers are probably one of the most popular gifts that women receive on valentine’s day. Flowers typically accompany other popular gifts such as chocolates and jewelry. Many romantics, however, have their eyes and mind fixed on red roses. Red roses are not the only romantic flowers one can give on valentine’s day. There are many other flowers out there which are more appropriate and will be more valued by your partner. Here are some tips and ideas on giving flowers for valentine’s day.
Fresh flowers
The price of roses are usually jacked up on valentine’s day. As an alternative, choose another type of flower which your partner really likes and will truly appreciate. In fact, your partner will be all the more touched that you knew what flower to give on this special occasion. This proves that you put a great deal of thought and effort into getting special flowers as opposed to just buying the usual red roses which may be more costly but do not require special efforts.
Artificial flowers
Artificial valentines flowers are also a good choice for valentine’s day. Although fake flowers may not appear romantic for you, some women actually prefer them over fresh or real flowers. This may be due to the fact that artificial flowers require low maintenance and can be kept for a longer period of time. Unlike potted plants that need daily doses of water And sunlight, artificial plants and flowers only need to be cleaned and dusted every so often.


Flower Delivery

Why do people distrust flowers delivery services?
No matter the occasion, flowers same day delivery is always the right choice for a gift. However, this service is now provided mostly online. For that reason, a lot of people are suspicious about the reliability of the service. Seemingly, there isn't really a way of making sure that your order arrives safely and on time.

What is the method of payment?
There are many questions that arise when it comes to flowers delivery. Most of them involve the method of payment. You should know that most flowers delivery companies demand that you make the payment before they can process the order. The only payment method accepted by these companies is credit card.That is why if you do not consider that entering your credit card information online is safe, you will most probably not be able to enjoy flower delivery services. Something that you should also take into account is that with flowers delivery what you see is not always what you get.

Will the recipient get the exact same flowers that i pick?
In many cases, suppliers provide online images of the flowers but they are only indicative of the product being same day delivery, for that reason the flowers may not resemble the online images. Similarly, your flowers of choice may not be available in the delivery area of your choice. In these cases, companies proceed to substitute the product for another one.

Am i entitled for a refund if the product i choose is not available?
You should be aware that even if you are not notified about the product substitution, you are not entitled for a refund. In fact, you have to agree to this term before placing your order. So make sure to ask a customer service representative if the product that you chose is available


Tips Dekorasi Bunga untuk Ruang Tamu

Ungkapkan kebahagiaan Anda dalam menyambut tamu di Hari Lebaran dengan bunga. Dengan bunga (Florist Jakarta), ruangan makin segar dan indah. Suasana hangat, kumpul-kumpul keluarga akrab, bermaaf-maafan tambah lapang.

Menyambut lebaran bukan cuma membersihkan rumah. Anda pun boleh menghias rumah karena dalam setahun sekali hal itu bukan sesuatu yang berlebihan. Nah, jangan lupakan rangkaian bunga.

Dengan penambahan hiasan rumah berupa rangkaian bunga, ruang jadi lebih segar, berkesan feminin, dan lembut. Pilihlah bunga segar. Walaupun hanya bisa bertahan tiga-empat hari, tapi rangkaian bunga segar terlihat lebih elegan.

Semua ruang bisa diberi rangkaian bunga (Florist Jakarta). Namun Anda dapat memprioritaskan ruang tamu atau ruang keluarga, ruang makan, dan dapur. Ruang-ruang itu yang terlihat langsung oleh tamu atau kerabat yang datang. Apalagi di rumah mungil dengan konsep ruang terbuka.

Jika Anda menyajikan buah-buahan di meja makan, manfaatkan juga sebagai hiasan. Bunga dan buah bisa digabungkan jadi hiasan meja. Kreasinya unik dan segar. Selain di meja makan, hiasan ini juga bisa ditaruh di meja ruang tamu, atau sekadar menghiasi tumpukan buah di atas meja konsol. Anda dapat berkreasi dengan beragam jenis buah dan bunga. Buah bisa jadi media pengganti pot atau vas, lho!

Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk membuatnya? Pertama, pilih buah yang segar dan tak rusak atau cacat, kemudian pilih bunga yang sesuai dengan buah. Bunga yang pas untuk buah kecil, mahkotanya jangan terlalu lebar. Warnanya juga mesti serasi dengan warna buah.

Sebagai panduan, buah warna hijau lebih menarik jika diberi bunga warna cerah, seperti kuning atau putih. Sementara jeruk warna oranye tampil manis dengan bunga warna kuning, ungu, atau merah. Namun Anda jangan ragu-ragu mengkombinasikan warna.

Pikirkan pola rangkaiannya. Jika ada mentimun atau pepaya, Anda bisa membuat rangkaian bunga yang membentuk garis lurus (linear). Anda pun bisa menggabungkan pola bulat dengan linear pada buah melon, semangka, atau labu kuning.Rangkaian bunga dan buah ini bisa tahan tiga-empat hari. Jadi, sehari sebelum hari H, Anda mulai membuatnya.


Valentine Chocolate yang Indah

Coklat valentine sudah menjadi tradisi sejak lama bagi mereka yang ingin berbagi di hari yang sangat istimewa ini, di hari Valentine. Valentine’s day adalah hari yang sangat special bagi mereka yang ingin mengungkapkan kasih sayangnya kepada orang orang tercinta. Orang tercinta ini bisa saja kekasih, teman atau anggota keluarga. Mengapa coklat menjadi favorit di hari Valentine? Valentine chocolate seringkali menjadi pilihan utama karena rasanya yang yang sangat disukai oleh semua kalangan, bentuknya yang unik dan menarik. Bentuk valentine chocolate hati merupakan favorit untuk menjadi hadiah di hari Valentines ini.

Persepsi salah selama ini adalah coklat dapat menyebabkan kegemukan, berbagai macam penyakit. Ini jelas tidak benar. Coklat sangat alami dan sangat menyehatkan karena penuh dengan kandungan anti oksidan. Kegemukan, salah satunya, disebabkan oleh konsumsi gula atau pemanis yang berlebihan. Pastikan coklat yang Anda nikmati, adalah coklat asli dan coklat yang bermutu baik, sehingga tidak perlu memakai banyak pemanis untuk menutupi rasa aslinya.


Makna Beragam Hadiah Valentine

Hadiah yang kamu ga terlalu suka

Artinya: Ia harus belajar lebih dalam soal apa yang kamu mau, tapi senggak2nya dia berusaha kreatif kan?. Mungkin emang jauh dari yang kamu harapoan, tapi senggak2nya dia bener2 berusaha cari apa yang membuat kamu bahagia!

Makan Malam Romantis

Ia berusaha setengah mati cari restoran ok, dan memastikan agar kamu dapet pelayananan bagaikan putri.

Artinya: Ia berusaha keras dan ingin banget agar malam ini menjadi memori indah berdua, dan dia bener2 mengharapkan akan banyak momen-momen indah berdua yang lain

valentine gift yang dia sendiri suka.
Video games, kaos tim gedhe buanget, atau barang2 lain yang kamu sendiri nggak akan ngerti make-nya.

Artinya: Ia memandang kamu sebagai perpanjangan dari dirinya. Hadiah ini ga ada kaitannya ama romansa atau seksualitas. Mungkin hubungan anda belum terlalu matang, jadi ia belum tahu bener apa yang kamu suka, moga2 aja dia bisa ngerti ya!"

Kayaknya manis ya?

Artinya: Ini hadiah yang sama sekali ga keratif, nggak unik, tapi senggak2nya sih, dia berusaha melakukan yang terbaik, emang bukan hadiah yang membuat kamu merasa unik atau sepesial, tapi senggak2nya akan memberi kesan indah buat kamu!

Velantine Gift
Berupa Perhiasan
Apa sih yang kurang menarik melihat kilau2an kaya gini?

Artinya: Ini bisa berarti hadiah paling manis selama anda suka dan tidak terlalu awal dalam hubungan anda. Perhiasan artinya ia melihat kamu cantik dan ingin menunjukkan kepada dunia, bahwa anda sudah (senggaknya berencana) saling memiliki.


Artinya: Wanita mana sih yang nggak pengen dibilang cantik? Jadi kalo hadiahnya sama sekali menjijikkan malah bikin kecewa. Tapi banyak cowo yang sebenarnya ndak terlalu bisa ngebedain antara polyester atau sutra halus. Jadi kalo kamu dapet hadiah ini,anggap aja dia berusaha ngomong kalo kamu luar biasa hot buat dia!


Artinya: Yang penting sih ngasih. Kalo dia ngasih bunga dan terus ditinggal seperti itu aja, itu tandanya dia nganggap ini kewajiban. Tapi kalo kamu disuruh taruh di air, maka niatnya sudah OK kok, tinggal barangnya aja yang kurang!"


Artinya: Ia mikir kalo cewe bakal suka hal2 klise. Tapi, ada artinya dibelakang pemberian ini. Mungkin ia tau kamu suka boneka pas kecil. Kalo emang seperti itu, dia benar2 sering memikirkan kamu!"


Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

7 Red Roses For Valentine's Day

Red roses are to valentine's day what kisses are to love; they make it that much sweeter. Thanks to their beauty and fragrance, red roses have long been a valentine's day symbol.
Whether you can afford to buy single red roses, a small bouquet of red roses combined with other flowers, long-stemmed red roses, or an entire room filled with red roses, the gifts below can convey the depth of your feelings.

1. Red roses in a ruby vase
Red roses for valentine's day plus a lovely ruby-colored mosaic glass vase to treasure as a keepsake.
2. One dozen red roses
This classic valentine's day bouquet contains twelve beautiful red roses. You have the option of upgrading to add more red roses fill out the bouquet and make it even more impressive looking.

3. Red roses and calla lilies

The epitome of valentine's day sophistication, red roses and calla lilies are an elegant combination that symbolize enduring passion.
4. One dozen long stemmed fancy red roses
In red roses, as in life, sometimes bigger is better. This selection of long-stemmed red roses features big-headed and elegantly long red roses that open beautifully, each petal a work of art.
5. Martha stewart's perfect rose bouquet
A precious cluster of deep red and lavender roses is arrayed inside a silvery julep cup that measures a little over 4 inches and can be treasured as a valentine's day keepsake. Also features petite pink roses. Entire presentation, with cup and roses, stands approximately 8 inches tall.
6. Two dozen long-stemmed roses
When a dozen red roses feel like a little less than you want to send and three dozen red roses may stress your budget, choose two dozen red roses to delight your love.
7. Pot of red roses
Does she have a green thumb? In that case, she may appreciate this small rose plant even more than cut flowers. The red roses arrive in bloom and can be replanted outside in warm weather.valentines gifts


The Art of Dating and the Adage of the Red Rose

If there is something that has represented love and dating, it is the red rose. It is the commonest of all rose flower species that make many conjure with the valentine day and love at its highest intensity. It gives one the ideas of love and romance as it has been the iconic symbol of endearment at its most passionate level. Over the years, it has become one of the best expressions of affection and true love.

Amidst being the best way for a man or woman to express his or her desires of affection and love, the red rose has in its character the warmest and most strong meanings of love and dating. It breaths of significance as one samples the long history that it has. It has single-handedly incorporated itself into the hands of men. It has been featured into the most beautiful and classical work of literature, from poetry to the imaginative world of paintings. It has provided a platform for people to create inspiration among the writers, loves and artists at the heart of myriad cultures.

It was Shakespeare, who is known to have sparked off the red rose when he eluded the flower in the book of love: Romeo and Juliet, as well as filling Robert Burns, a poet, with such endearing love as to create a masterpiece on the greatness and immense beauty that the red rose has. The red rose has changed over the years in places where it is used, not only in the dating and love issues but also in the modern media and music to the world of politics and religion.

It is through these tenets of the society that the red rose, conjures symbols of respect, prosperity and courage. It is thus transforming it into what we would like to have when we want to create a show and make a statement that is full of drama and glamour. All these meanings of the red rose have been unsuccessful in making people, from the young to the old, to know and speak of the red rose as the best symbol of ones love and unending romance in the art of dating.

The red rose, is the standard symbol of true love that is deep down the heart of a human and fidelity. For dating lovers, the red rose, seems to have become the choice while exchanging tinges of love since it sends and draws some of the strongest love messages. It is one of the single most existing traditions that have not waned with time.

Before a dating instance, sending red roses to your lover still stands out not only as the most popular way of saying how much we love someone, but also appears as the symbol of love. It represents true romantic feelings as well as love that exceeds the pain that a thorn can cause. In a relationship where the dating has just taken root just bouquet of red roses deliver the intentions of commitment and romance, as well as the idea of taking the relationship you have to a higher level.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Francis_K_Githinji

Info Waktu Pengiriman Barang

Untuk luar kota, barang yang telah siap akan kami kirimkan melalui perusahaan ekspedisi. Saat ini kita menggunakan jasa beberapa perusahaan ekspedisi terpercaya seperti JNE, Tiki, Pandu Siwi, RPX dan lainnya.

Untuk memberikan gambaran, kami mencoba memberikan simulasi perhitungan dan waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam pengiriman delivery, dalam hal ini kami menggunakan jasa perusahaan ekspedisi JNE. Menurut tata kerja JNE, bila pengiriman dengan reguler, maka barang akan terkirim 2-3 hari sampai ke kota besar.

Selanjutnya dari kota besar baru didistribusikan ke kota kecil pada hari berikutnya. Hari dihitung berdasarkan hari kerja, dan penerimaan pengiriman untuk diproses pada hari yang sama adalah sebelum Jam 12.00.- Jika melewati waktu tersebut, berarti akan diproses hari berikutnya

Contoh misalnya Anda berdomisili di Lhokseumawe, Aceh dan memesan barang hari Kamis pagi. Barang akan dikirim delivery ke Banda Aceh dalam waktu 2-3 hari, berarti diterima Senin di Banda Aceh dan baru dikirimkan ke Lhokseumawe pada hari Selasa atau Rabu.

Untuk daerah yang jadwal penerbangan sangat terbatas, pengiriman bisa lebih lama. Contoh seperti Timika-Papua yang bisa memakan waktu hingga 14 hari.

Sedangkan untuk kota-kota besar dalam jalur penerbangan, barang biasanya bisa diterima dalam waktu 2-3 hari atau keesokan hari bila memakai jasa YES (Yakin Esok Sampai).

Memang sangat sulit melakukan pengiriman same day delivery mengingat geografis Indonesia yang sangat luas. Mungkin banyak juga yang memikirkan agar barang bisa dikirim same day delivery.


Simbol Warna Bunga Mawar

* Mawar merah (Red Roses) adalah media untuk menyatakan perasaan cinta kepada pasangan (sebagai peganti I Love U). Hal ini dikarenakan merah merupakan simbol dari kecantikan dan gairah cinta yang berarti cinta yang mendalam. Selain itu, red roses juga melambangkan penghargaan dan keberanian.

* Mawar putih (White Rose) melambangkan kemurnian, kesucian dan kerendahan hati. Lambang tersebut diartikan sebagai cinta yang suci dan meneduhkan, bukan cinta badani yang penuh akan hawa nafsu.

* Mawar kuning (Yellow Roses) diidentikan dengan keakraban, persahabatan, kesederhanaan, kesenangan dan kegembiraan. Untuk sebagian negara seperti Inggris memiliki makna yang berbeda yaitu kecembururan.

* Mawar merah muda (Pink Rose) menunjukan kebahagiaan. Mawar ini diberikan sebagai ucapan terima kasih atau syukur dan juga sebagai simbol kekaguman atau simpati kepada seseorang yang dituju.

* Mawar peach (Peach Roses) memiliki makna keabadian, kesungguhan, terima kasih sehingga bunga ini disimbolkan sebagai sebuah persahabatan, persaudaraan, kekaguman serta penghargaan kepada seseorang.


Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Tips For Valentine's Day Flower Delivery

By suzie faloon
Ehow contributing writer

Expert insight

valentine's day is one of the busiest days of a florist's year. The customer is very important to the business and the florist intends to do everything possible to satisfy them. The florist strives to make the recipient of the floral delivery happy too. The ideal valentine's customer is one that pre-orders valentines flowers that must be delivered at least a week ahead. A florist's favorite type of customer orders two weeks to a month ahead, gives detailed directions to the delivery location, and makes payment by february 13th. When you build a good relationship with a florist, you can be sure to have good service. A florist appreciates a thoughtful customer especially during an incredibly busy series of days.


bad weather and last minute customers adds to the heavy workload of a florist. If you have called ahead with your order and asked for a specific delivery time, it is probable that your valentine's flowers will be on time. The florist will have made a schedule of deliveries, locations, and times requested. The florist will map out locations and time for the delivery person to adhere to. You, as a customer, must take into account that inclement weather could be a problem for a delivery person and this could cause a late delivery. The florist and delivery person will do everything humanly possible to get your floral gift to your loved one on time.


you have several choices when ordering valentines flowers for valentine's day delivery. You can order from the internet or phone chain florists and order from a predetermined selection. You can call or visit your local florist and have a more personal experience when ordering favorite flowers, plants, or standard valentine choices. Your fourth option is to call and do a credit card paid order from a large area florist after inquiring if they will deliver to the address you provide.

Time frame
the florist valentine's day business begins in late december or early january when the orders for fresh flowers go in to the wholesaler. A florist with a wide volume of business will begin preparing dishes, vases, bows, and permanent or silk floral arrangements ahead of time. Fresh flowers will be delivered by the wholesale florist to the business a day or two before february 14th. After processing, the cut flowers will be stored in the cooler. Floral foam that is in prepared containers will have water poured into them to soak overnight on the 12th or 13th. Last minute flower shipments may be delivered or the florist will go to the wholesaler between 4 and 6 in the morning on the 14th to get the extras needed. If you have waited to call a florist on the 14th, you may not be able to request a specific delivery time.


Tips And Tricks To Get The Best Flowers And Avoid Trouble Ordering

Why do people distrust flowers delivery services?
No matter the occasion, flowers same day delivery is always the right choice for a gift. However, this service is now provided mostly online. For that reason, a lot of people are suspicious about the reliability of the service. Seemingly, there isn't really a way of making sure that your order arrives safely and on time.

What is the method of payment?
There are many questions that arise when it comes to flowers delivery. Most of them involve the method of payment. You should know that most flowers delivery companies demand that you make the payment before they can process the order. The only payment method accepted by these companies is credit card.
That is why if you do not consider that entering your credit card information online is safe, you will most probably not be able to enjoy flower delivery services. Something that you should also take into account is that with flowers delivery what you see is not always what you get.

Will the recipient get the exact same flowers that i pick?
In many cases, suppliers provide online images of the flowers but they are only indicative of the product being delivered, for that reason the flowers may not resemble the online images. Similarly, your flowers of choice may not be available in the delivery area of your choice. In these cases, companies proceed to substitute the product for another one.

Am i entitled for a refund if the product i choose is not available?
You should be aware that even if you are not notified about the product substitution, you are not entitled for a refund. In fact, you have to agree to this term before placing your order. So make sure to ask a customer service representative if the product that you chose is available.

Am i entitled for a refund if my delivery does not get to the recipient on time?
There are many situations in which your same day delivery may not arrive on time. Weather conditions, closed business or recipients that are not found are just some of them. Flowers delivery companies do not consider that this situations are their responsibility, thus they do not offer refunds


Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

Ordering the Right Valentine Roses

When giving cut roses as Valentine gifts, we adhere to a time-honored formula that takes into account rose color meanings. The formula matches a rose's color to its intended meaning as a gift. Valentine's Day is primarily a lovers' holiday, and red roses are traditionally for lovers. "Valentine roses" and "red roses" go hand in hand, even though other colors have their place on the holiday. Our close family members may also be treated to red roses for Valentine's Day, but we avoid giving roses of this color to friends on Valentine's Day -- that would simply convey the wrong meaning. The following are the meanings traditionally attached to the most popular roses, according to colors; use this list as a guide when selecting Valentine roses:
  • Red roses mean romantic love; they're the "Valentine roses," par excellence.
  • Purple, coral and orange challenge red as the color for Valentine roses. The rose color meanings for these 3 are as follows:
    • The specific purpose of purple roses is to signify that the giver has fallen in love with the recipient at first sight.
    • Meanwhile, coral and orange roses signal desire.
  • The meaning of yellow roses is joy and friendship.
  • We express our gratitude and appreciation with pink roses....
  • While feelings of admiration and sympathy find words with roses that are light pink in color.
  • Peach is more ambiguous, as it can signify either sympathy or gratitude.
  • Their purity naturally enough lends to white roses the meaning of reverence and humilit


Roses For Your Valentine

Make someone feel really very special this Valentine's Day by giving them nature's most elegant love-flower: the Red Rose. It is one of the most simple yet romantic gifts to give.

But don't get caught out, to ensure prompt delivery, call your favourite florist the week before Valentine's Day. When you call, have the necessary information handy: the recipient's name, address, phone number, what you want to send and how you want to be billed. If you want them delivered to the workplace make sure the person who is to receive them will be there.

If you are having trouble putting a suitable message together ask your florist, they see thousands of love messages and are always more than willing to make a few suggestions. Here are a few ideas of my own:

A great way to catch someone by surprise, especially if they work in an office or school is to send them on February 13th and tell them "you just couldn't wait, you love them that much."

Tell them that: "Today is a very special day - a day for declaring my ever-ending love." Or maybe: "With you Valentine's Day lasts all year long."

At the end of the day though your own words are much more meaningful.

The tradition of giving flowers on St. Valentine's Day first developed in the late 17th Century. Roses became the flower of choice because it was reputed to be the favourite flower of the Goddess Venus - the Goddess of Love. Florists will often refer to the single red rose as a 'signature rose.'

The Valentine Day colours are generally red and white, some people also include pink in this pallet. Why these colours? Red is the symbol of passion, while white is the symbol of purity. Pink, some argue, is a more appropriate colour for younger lovers because it represents a meeting point between two poles. Traditionally a Valentine Rose is long stemmed but if you fancy been different you might ask your florist to arrange a nice little Posey.There are many ways to give roses - and each has its own hiding meaning here are a few of the more romantic

A bunch of red roses say "I love you." They also stand for respect and courage.

A single red rosebud symbolizes beauty, youth and a heart innocent of love or: "You are young and beautiful."

Red rosebuds mean "pure and lovely."

Red and white roses together, or white roses with red edges, signify unity.

Two red roses taped or wired together to form a single stem signal an engagement or coming marriage.

A full blown red rose placed over two red buds forms a combination that signifies secrecy.

A pink rose represents happiness. It's great to give a pink rose to a partner to say, "I'm very happy with our relationship." But be careful a light pink rose is also taken to mean 'sympathy.' When someone had had a loss in their life then often people offer light pink roses as a way of expressing their condolences

Finally the rose leave itself is a symbol of hope.

Whatever the reason for the flower, whether it be one single red rose or a dozen red roses be sure your love one will appreciate the thought.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_Hart

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

Valentine Flowers: Sending Love!

There is no better way of showing someone you care than giving Valentine flowers. Even if you are giving other Valentine gifts, Valentine flowers add that little something extra to any Valentine's Day gift.

What Flowers to Give For some people, roses are the only flower that will do as Valentine's flowers. Nothing says "I love you" better than roses. Roses are the ultimate romantic flower, and the most popular present for Valentine ’s Day. White roses are for love, red roses are for passion, and yellow roses are for friendship. Lilac roses are the choice to symbolize love at first sight. Red roses are the most traditional Valentine’s flower, but white, yellow, or pink, are also used. Red Roses signify passion or strength of feeling, yellow roses stand for love, and white roses traditionally reflect innocence. A dozen red roses are considered to be a gift of love, while a single long stemmed red rose is usually seen as a passionate gift.

Other Choices for Valentine’s Flowers

If you want to choose something different for a Valentine’s flower, consider the recipient. What is her favorite flower? Knowing what certain floral colors symbolize can help you make the perfect choice.

What Colors Mean in Flowers

Blue Valentine’s flowers represent tranquility and harmony, and give a sense of stability, confidence, honesty and security. True blue flowers are difficult and often expensive to come by.

Green Valentine’s flowers bring good luck, with emerald leaves, apple-tinted blossoms, and chartreuse stems are associated with harmony and stability.

Orange Valentine’s flowers suggest flamboyance, and really ‘fiery’ blossoms convey confidence and kinship.

Pink colored Valentine’s flowers in pale pinks suggest emotional healing and inner calm, and bright shades of pink suggest friendship, and a fun romance.

Red Valentine’s flowers are intense, passionate, and dynamic. Red colored flowers are seductive.

White Valentine’s flowers represent peace and purity, and if they are given as a gift they are a gesture of respect.

Yellow Valentine’s flowers represent hope and happiness, or are given as a token of courage and cheerfulness

This is a busy time of the year for florists so order early. Make sure you add a thoughtful message to your Valentine's Day flowers, even if you are giving them in person. It can be romantic, humorous or a quote from a poem.


Get Your Packaging Right

This isn't just for cosmetic purposes, poor packing can void postal insurance and compensation claims, so package goods properly. You never know how much they'll be thrown around in transit, so take the following precautions:
measuringtapebe sure to measure and weigh your parcel same day delivery accurately when getting a quote. If the package is bigger or heavier than stated then you’ll have to pay a surcharge. Plus, if it exceeds size restrictions it won't fit in the courier company’s depot sorting machines and could be damaged, or just returned to you.
try sending something weighing over 31.5kg, and it probably won't even be accepted, as health & safety laws state goods of this weight should be carried by at least two people. Therefore, you'll need a specialist same day delivery service; these may be offered, but will cost more.
note for international shipments only: international delivery costs are often calculated based on 'volumetric weight'. To work out the volumetric weight of your package, the calculations are usually length x width x height in centimetres divided by 6,000. This gives you the volumetric weight in kilos.
*banned/'no compensation' items.
all couriers have a list of ‘forbidden’ items that they won't deliver, so most couriers will inspect your items on collection. Thus, it's sensible to leave the top of your packing box open until it's been inspected.
easily breakable items such as china, or antiques, will only be carried by economy courier services on a ‘no compensation’ basis, meaning if they're valuable look elsewhere.
*packing materialspacking materials.
all good packing requires is a bit of common sense. Wrap delicate items tightly in bubble wrap. Grab free cardboard boxes from supermarkets, and if you run out of bubble wrap or the item isn't very delicate, pad with screwed up newspaper or even popped popcorn.
if you live near a large post office, look inside for packing materials; often, special delivery plastic post bags are available for free.
*delivery forms.
courier services make you fill in a booking form for each box you send. These can be completed online, or downloaded from the web and printed out. If the form isn’t filled in properly, compensation claims will be invalidated.
note for international shipments only: to send any items overseas you'll need to fill in a more detailed form for tax purposes. It's fairly straightforward, but if you don't fill it out accurately you risk delaying your package in customs, so be careful.
*collection/delivery times.
sounds obvious, but make sure you're going to be in for the whole of the day. If you miss it, you'll likely have to repay and that just isn't moneysaving! Most couriers will attempt delivery three times at the destination address before returning items to sender, but always double-check.


Valentine's Flowers For Him

1. Valentine's day is celebrated on the 14th of february each year. Since the mid-19th century it has been observed as a celebration between loved ones. Traditionally, small gifts are exchanged between lovers and reveal their feelings for one another.
2. Surveys have shown that men like to receive valentines flowers nearly as much as women do. In fact, a survey conducted by the society of american florists found that nearly 60 percent of men would enjoy receiving flowers on valentine's day. However, not all of these men are willing to admit this fact in public.
a study by rutgers university researchers found that men who received flowers were more open socially. Male flower recipients smiled more often, stood closer to subjects, and maintained direct-eye contact more than men who did not receive flowers. The study found that ethnicity, age or background did not matter.
3. When purchasing valentine's day flowers for a man, it is important to wade through all the pink flowers and go for something more masculine. There are many types of flowers that come in masculine flowers, such as orchids, tulips and sunflowers. The society of american florists found that men preferred vibrant colors such as reds and yellows. Large flowers with sharp lines, such as sunflowers, can be more masculine than dainty flowers such as lilies of the valley.
4. Ask the florist to include a lot of greenery with the bouquet valentines flowers. Bouquets with more greenery tend to appear more masculine. Tropical flowers are also a good choice because they are vibrantly colored and unusual in appearance.
5. Rutgers university scientists have shown that flowers can enhance your mood, lessen depression symptoms and increase happiness. These feelings were not true only of women, but of men, as well. Receiving flowers can enhance the mood and social outlook of the men receiving them.
purchasing flowers for a man on valentine's day can be an unexpected, but appreciated, way to tell him you love and care for him.


Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

Learn : The Meaning Of Roses

Giving roses on special occasions is a popular tradition but you can make your gift more meaningful if you choose a color that conveys a specific message.
Each rose color has a different meaning, usually more than one. If you want to be sure that your loved one receives the message you intend, include it on the accompanying card.

A personalized message will make your roses all the more special.
Here is a quick summary of the meaning of roses:

red roses
red roses convey a simple message: "i love you". This makes them the ultimate symbol of romantic love and the most popular choice on valentine’s day. Other meanings for red roses include desire, passion, courage, respect, beauty and sincerity. A red rosebud symbolizes purity and loveliness.

Coral roses
coral roses speak of desire and passion.

Lilac or lavender roses
lilac roses reveal love at first sight or enchantment.

Orange roses
orange roses communicate desire, enthusiasm and fascination. They make an excellent choice for a new relationship that you wish to pursue further.

Peach roses

peach roses express gratitude, appreciation, admiration or sympathy. They can also convey sociability and friendship and send the message "let's get together". A pale peach rose symbolizes modesty.

Pink roses

in general, pink roses symbolize grace, gentility and happiness and express appreciation and gratitude.

Pale pink roses

pale pink roses connote grace, joy, gentility and gratitude.

Light pink roses
light pink roses suggest happiness and fun. Like all pink roses, they also convey admiration and appreciation.

Deep pink roses
deep pink roses say "thank you". They also express appreciation, admiration, sincerity and sympathy.

White roses
second only to red roses in popularity, white roses symbolize truth and innocence. They also represent silence, secrecy, reverence, humility, youthfulness and charm. You can use them to say, "you're heavenly", "i miss you" and "i’m worthy of you". A white rosebud symbolizes girlhood.

Yellow roses

yellow roses symbolize friendship and freedom, so are not specifically romantic roses. They convey congratulations, joy, gladness and delight. But they also promise a new beginning, say "welcome back" and "remember me", and can convey jealousy and caring. Yellow roses with red tips convey friendship and falling in love.

Dead roses

dead red roses in any color convey "it's over!"


Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Chinese New Year 2010~ Year Of The Tiger

This year’s chinese new year hamper celebration begins on february 14th, then lasts for 14 days. 2010 is the year of the tiger. Since the first day of the chinese new year begins on valentine’s day this year, it gives you double the reason to celebrate! The celebration ends on the 15th day with a lantern festival .
Last year i shared quite a bit of information about celebrating the chinese new year, from the customs to the food.This year i want to talk about a few of those same things, and add a few more ideas for your chinese new year celebration.
* the food is a very important part of the chinese new year hamper celebration. It’s also important that the food consumed is whole food, and many of the meals are symbolic for good fortune, happiness, or prosperity.
* during the lantern festival every place is decorated with paper lanterns much like our houses are decorated with christmas lights during the holiday season.

Here is a customary chinese new year dragon dance, the dragon dance is performed during the chinese new year to show gratitude to the dragon for good fortune.


7 Tips To Survive A Bad Courier Delivery Experience

This article is seven tips on how to survive a bad same day delivery experience.
1. Accept that its happened. From a late delivery or non collection, denial resolves nothing.
2. Gather as much information about the problem as you can as soon as you can.
3. Clarify whether the courier made the delivery or whether you need to get someone else in to complete it.
4. Ascertain the status of your goods, ask the driver to take photos on their mobile phone and send them across to you.
5. Remember - another courier may be reluctant to assist if the cargo is damaged in transit and may need reassuring that the business has no intention of claiming from the new courier companies insurance.
6. Inadequate packaging is not the couriers fault and if they thought it was inadequate they should have verbalised this to you at time of booking (many good couriers carry blankets and wrapping, just in case).
7. Remember traffic can cause infinite problems, and no traffic jam lasts forever (although when approaching a deadline it may seem like it!). Communication with your courier and your customer can make a huge difference to the successful outcome of the delivery.
Communication is the key.

Keeping your customer informed is essential to prevent the bad courier experience costing you the customers business. Remember that the negatives can be turned around to show your capability in dealing with tough and awkward situations, that your communication and customer service are second to none. If you do this, the chances are your customer will not even notice the potential delivery disaster.
If you find you are constantly on the phone to your courier, if the smallest of jobs are not completed to your satisfaction then it's time to look at new same day delivery courier services. When comparing costs, always remember to factor in what the cost of the hassle caused by the bad courier service.


Valentine's Day Flowers

It is the most romantic day of the year and as expected you receive a gorgeous bouquet of flowers from your beau. You want the magic of the evening to last forever so naturally your thoughts turn to keeping your valentines flowers alive and beautiful for as long as you possibly can. Here are a few tips to help extend the life of your flowers past valentine's day.
When you receive the flowers for valentine's day, first lavish praise all over the giver to show your appreciation for the beautiful gesture. Next, take the flowers out of their packaging and carefully cut the ends of the stems at an angle about three cm high. After a few days, you will need to cut the stems again, this time at two cm high.
Make sure the vase you use is clean. This will ensure that no bacteria are hiding in the vase which can destroy your valentines flowers. Always use clean water and trim off any leaves that may become submerged under the water. Left in water, those leaves will rot causing the growth of bacteria that will make your flowers wilt and die sooner than need be.
Water is very important to the health of your flowers. To maximize the lifespan of your flowers after valentine's day, be sure to add water to the vase everyday and change the water whenever it gets cloudy or murky. You can add a few drops of bleach to the water to prevent the growth of bacteria and algae which is harmful to your flowers.
Keep your flowers away from heat sources including heaters, computers, televisions, and appliances that give off heat--like ovens. Heat will cause the flowers to lose water quickly which will make them wilt at a faster rate. To make sure your flowers from valentine's day last a long time, keep them in a cool area.
Your flowers do get hungry, so be sure to feed them the plant food provided to you by the florist. Add it to the water when you first put the flowers in them. Flowers will "eat" up to half of the food they need to survive over their lifetime that first day.
It is best to get flowers at valentine's day that are still in the bud stage. You will enjoy watching the buds open, and flowers picked in this stage last longer. So if your beau did not give you flowers in the bud stage this time, make a gentle suggestion for next time. Avoid putting your flowers near fruit. Fruit gives off ethylene gas as it ripens which will make your flowers wilt at a faster rate.
The best way to ensure flowers live long after valentine's day is to take good care of them. It will be well worth the effort, however, when you are able to enjoy the beauty of your special night with your sweetheart for weeks to come.


Mood In Valentines Gifts

If you are aspiring for an exquisite valentine's day then just go through the touching valentine ideas or tips to make an ideal valentine's day.
  • A simple 'i love you' with a kiss can set an awesome mood for a valentine's day.
  • Decorate his/her house with hearts, bows and ribbons.
  • Make arrangements for surprise flower bouquets for valentines gifts .
  • Cook a dinner for two and decorate the room with heart-shaped candles.
  • Gift him/her with velvet full of fresh valentine day's chocolates.
  • A romantic note asking him/her to be your valentine.
  • Send sweet love quotes.
  • Make your own valentines gifts card which expresses your feelings.
  • Create a scrapbook 'recollection collection' and fill it with love letters, photographs, cherished mementos, etc.
  • A cd of his/her favorite songs.
  • A jewelry gift is awesome. A heart shaped locket for the lady love and a silver bracelet for him is just perfect.
  • Plan a special dinner for him/her either in a garden or a boat. A candle light dinner is just unforgettable.
  • Pamper your sweetheart by gifting her a spa session.
  • Pot a plant that will grow and loom for her .
  • Spend loads of quality time with him/her and clandestine visits to romantic gateways for valentines gifts.
  • Gift him/her a nice cell phone for keeping endless communication.
  • Gift her a beautiful evening gown or apparel for valentines gifts.
  • Dance with your valentine on martina mcbride's 'valentine'.
  • Include a chocolate dessert in your romantic dinner.
  • Create a love song cd full of valentine's day songs.
  • Send flowers at workplace or home to him/her.
  • If he/she loves gadgets then gift a digital camera.


The Meaning Of Red Roses - Romance And Love

By timothy spencer

red roses not only carries the deepest meaning among all the rose colors - it is one of the universal symbols of love and affection. This flower's long, eventful history lends it a breadth of significance. The red rose has been incorporated into many works of art from classical poetry to paintings. It is also the inspiration for many artists and lovers across cultures.
Shakespeare made an allusion to roses in romeo and juliet, and the poet robert burns created a poem on the beauty of the red rose in the present day, the red rose figures not only in music and media, but also as religious and political symbols. Because of that, the red rose symbolizes courage, respect, and prosperity, making them an appropriate gift when we want to make a dramatic statement.
The red roses as we know it today was brought to europe from china in 1800's, though the meanings people associate with them date back far longer than that. The color red itself was initially a primal symbol for life that eventually evolved into a metaphor for profound emotions. Early cultures across the globe used these red flowers for their traditional wedding attire and to decorate the wedding ceremony itself.
Sending someone a bouquet of red roses is still the most popular way to say "i love you." the red rose's rich and diverse heritage culminated in the modern day image of the lover's rose. It is the definitive symbol for romantic feelings and represents a true love stronger than thorns.
Red roses make meaningful gifts for expressing emotions during an anniversary, valentine's day, or for no apparent reason at all. For new relationships and budding romances, a bouquet of red rosebuds signifies the start of romantic intentions, a message of commitment, and a tentative invitation to bring the relationship to the next level. Even a single, long-stemmed red rose can evoke a powerful response from its recipient. This is a trait no other flower can convey.


Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

7 Tips On Giving Chocolates To Your Valentine

Will konijn

Every year millions of people exchange chocolates on february 14th for valentine's day. This trend has grown very popular in recent times, especially with the rise of quality chocolates (...and the number of chocoholics). Still, even in these modern times there are a few things you need to consider before you run out and grab a valentine chocolate gift.

Fresh chocolates are the best to get
Some of the larger chocolate candy makers make their chocolates for the "busy season" (december through february) as early as summer time. That means that some of the packaged chocolates you can purchase are several months old. Also, some of these chocolates are made with added preservatives which allow the chocolates to stay good longer, but can affect the taste. To get around this it is recommended you buy from a local chocolatier, candy store, or bakery who can produce a fresh chocolate treat for you (or at least one that is only a day or two old). If you are sending your chocolates to someone far away, check to see if there is a good local place that could deliver fresh chocolates for you and lessen the chance of shipping mishaps.

Nothing beats a homemade gift
For a more personal touch you can make your own box of valentine chocolate to give to your valentine. Don't worry if you are not a whiz in the kitchen - even if your gift does not turn out perfectly, it will earn extra points because you made it especially for them. There are many books, magazines, and websites to turn to for help and guidance so you do not have to go it alone. This is also a chance for you to personalize the chocolates an make them extra special by adding your valentine's favorite fruits, nuts, liqueurs, flavors, etc. See the chocolate truffle recipe below for a good way to make your own homemade gift.

Timing is everything
It is important to give the right amount of time towards your chocolate gift. If you are buying the chocolates you need to get your order in early to help avoid the last-minute rush. Some places have a cut-off date that they will take valentine orders, especially if shipping or local delivery is involved. If you are making the chocolates you might want to try a practice run to work out any kinks that might come up and to help you get familiar with the recipe. The odds are good that you will do even better the next time you go through the recipe and you can make any adjustments you think would taste good to your valentine. Make sure you can get the ingredients you need from the store since the holiday rush can often deplete the local supply of chocolate, sugar, and other handy ingredients. If you purchase the chocolate early, store it in a cool, dry, dark place, not the refrigerator.

So much chocolate, so little time
There are a wide variety of chocolate gifts you can give: chocolate truffles, bonbons (chocolate shell with a creamy center), cake, brownies, fudge, cookies (chocolate, chocolate chip, chocolate dipped, etc.), chocolate dipped fruit/nuts/pretzels/whatever, and many others that you can purchase or make, so let your imagination run wild


Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Chinese New Year: Tips To Bring The Most Into Your New Year

By: carole provzolne

On february 18th, we will be ringing in another new year. Wait a minute, didn't we just do that? I am speaking of the chinese new year and the energy and life that surrounds that special day. Do you have to be chinese to ensure a wonderful new year with wonderful new beginnings? Absolutely not! Try these simple, inexpensive things to welcome in the terrific new start you have been looking for.
* here i go again, the clutter word in chinese new year hamper. Unused clothing, old food, anything no longer needed or used should be discarded. The is not a whole spring cleaning, rather your intent (and some room) to allow the new energy into your space. Give goodwill a call, you'll both be grateful.
* clean up, dust the cobwebs away, energize your surroundings. Many consultants use sage or you can simply use sound as a method of space clearing. Set your intentions to rid the home of anything negative that has occurred and simply tap on something that reverberates. A good cut crystal glass and a spoon work well. Make sure to get the corners where the energy lingers.
* if you can, pay down some bills. The ones you have been putting off that are lying around, the overdue ones. Start the new year off with as clean a slate as possible and as little debt owed as you can. Remember, even if you can't afford to pay much, it's your intention to allow the debt out of your life this year to attract all the wealth you will need or want.
* do something special for yourself. Treat yourself at this special time to a massage, that dress you have been wanting, a nice dinner or just a long bubble bath with no distractions. Something just for you so that other good things follow the new energy you are putting into yourself.
* make a change. It could be significant or something small but do something different. New years and new beginnings mean a new way of doing things, changing the old that doesn't work for us anymore or things in our life that are stagnant. You might get a new hairstyle, a new look, take a different route to work, meditate, anything you feel comfortable with that signifies that you are willing to "go with the flow" and allow the new energy and the new changes in.
*sweep the kitchen floor anytime prior to midnight on the chinese new year's eve. It symbolizes letting go of the old and putting it right outside (example : chinese new year hamper)
