Kamis, 17 Juni 2010


The yarrow (Achillea) are a genus in the family Asteraceae (Asteraceae). Their botanical name Achillea is derived from the Greek hero Achilles, alleged to be that he has treated his wounds with this plant. Representatives of this genus are used as medicinal plants.


In the Achillea species are perennial herbs, rarely shrubs, the height of six to reach up to eighty centimeters. Usually the whole plant smells aromatic. In the spring drives the rhizome from a rosette of leaves. Later, grows a stalk, which form on which the flowers. The smooth and hairy stem is tough and pithy inside. The narrow leaves are alternate and stalked up to a sitting position.

The simple or compound scheindoldige inflorescence consists of many small körbchenförmigen part inflorescences. Ten to thirty bracts are usually in two to three (one to four) series. The flower baskets usually have a diameter of two to three (rarely five) mm and contained (rarely five to) 15 to more than 75 tubes, and (rarely none) usually three to five (or twelve or rarely more) ray florets. The color of most species is white to pale-yellow, and pink colors occur. The achenes usually consist of two ribs.
Source: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achillea

See Also: Sending Flowers, Online Florist

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