Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

The Bank Herb

The bank herb (Littorella uniflora) is a plant belonging to the plantain family (Plantaginaceae). The species is on the Dutch Red List of rare plants and fallen sharply. The bank herb is native to Europe.

The plant is 4-12 cm high and can grow underwater, but not flowers. The 15 cm long shoots form a dense mat. The linear and the top awl-shaped, 5-10 cm long and 1-2 mm in diameter thick leaves are in a rosette with roots at the base a broad leaf sheath.

The bank herb blooms from June to August with straw-colored, 5 mm tall flowers that sit between the leaf sheaths. The flowers are flowers, with an inflorescence a seated female flower with a single, long stemmed, male flowers occur. The white style of the female flower is 1-2 cm long.

The fruit is 2.5 cm long, eenzadig nut.

The plant is found on the tidal, nutrient-poor sandy soil on banks of ponds and dune lakes.

Source: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oeverkruid

See also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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