Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

The spread of the seeds

The spread of the seeds

Since each main or side shoot can produce up to 120 flowers, this plant is very ausbreitungsstark.

The seed capsule in the form of a three-centimeter long and dull square column capsule develops from the inferior ovary. At maturity, the four compartments of the seed capsule tear along the back seam as a result of dehydration from the tip on to the middle.

Each seed capsule contains up to 200 seeds, the color of a dark brown to black enough. The seeds are about an inch long, triangular and have a membranous edge of wing. As the spread strategy uses the so-called common evening primrose Semachorie that scattering by wind movement or the movement of plants by animals. The only one thousandth of a gram seeds are spread by movement of the vertically oriented capsules. Then they are using their aircraft as of wing spread by the wind (so-called Meteorochorie).

See Also: Sending Flowers, Online Florist

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